School of Medicine
and Biomedical Sciences

Graduate Admission Conditions

2023/24 School Year

1. Admissions Conditions:

To have completed secondary education abroad equivalent to the Portuguese secondary education;

To have taken, in the current year (ex: 2022) or in the 2 previous years (ex: 2021/2020) and with a minimum score of 95 points (on a scale of 0 to 200), school-leaving exams that are equivalent to the Portuguese admission exams required for the undergraduate course to which you are applying;

To have obtained, in the Application Mark, a minimum mark of 100 points.


The admission exams are available in the page of the undergraduate degree/integrated master cycle:

According to Article 20th of the Decree nr. 296-A/98, foreign secondary education graduates can request the substitution of the admission exams required for the course they are applying to by the foreign school-leaving exams that are equivalent to said admission exams, provided that:
– The foreign school-leaving exams are national exams or local exams recognized on a national level in the country where they are taken;
– They are equivalent to the Portuguese admission exams (albeit with different names, the exams have same level and similar goals and contents of the Portuguese admission(s) exams).
– The student obtained in the required school-leaving exams a minimum of 95 marks, in a scale of 0 to 200.
– The validation of the foreign school-leaving exams if done at the Portuguese Directorate-General for Higher Education , within the stipulated deadlines.

a) If you completed your secondary education over three years ago and are not yet 23 years old or only turned 23 this year, then you will have to take admission exams in a Portuguese secondary education school.
b) If you have not taken, with a positive mark, school-leaving exams that are equivalent to the Portuguese admission exams required for the undergraduate course to which you are applying, then you will have to take admission exams in a Portuguese secondary education school.
c) If you completed your secondary education over three years ago and you are 23 years old or over (until the 31st of December of last year), please follow this link.

2. Admission criteria:

The selection through the General Regime is based on an Application Mark (from the highest to the lowest mark – until the places are filled in).
2.1. The application mark is a classification in a scale of 0 to 200 points and applicants must have a minimum of 100 points to apply.
2.2. It is calculated using the following formula:
classification of secondary education × 0.65 + classification of the school-leaving exam(s)* × 0.35.

* Equivalent to the Portuguese admission exams required for the undergraduate course to which you are applying.

3. Documents for application:

3.1. European Union country identification document;
3.2. Copy of a fiscal identification document (tax number) (for receipt purposes);
3.3. Diploma of EU secondary education, with indication of the final classification, with the grading scale and the minimum mark for approval*;
3.4. Transcript of Records of EU secondary education, with indication of the final classification of the subjects, with the grading scale and the minimum mark for approval*;
3.5. Proof of correspondence of foreign secondary education level – obtained in any secondary education school in Portugal;
3.6. Proof of validation of the school-leaving exams – obtained at the Portuguese Directorate-General for Higher Education .
3.7. UFP’s application form, duly filled out;
3.8. Payment of the Application Fee.

* Documents that are not issued in the Portuguese language, the English language, the Spanish language or the French language, will only be accepted if accompanied by a certified translation into the Portuguese language.

The application is only validated after the payment of the application fee.

4. Admission calendar for 2022/23

Aplication: 22 july at 9 august 2022
Results: 23 august 2022
Online registration : 24 to 30 de august 2022
Validation of the registration***: until 12 september 2022
Beginning of the school year: 12 september 2022

2nd PHASE (If applicable)
Aplication: 06 to 14 september 2022
Results: 21 of september 2022
Online registration : 22 to 26 september 2022
Validation of the registration***until 07 october 2022
Beginning of the school year: 12 september 2022

5. Places and Pre-requisites

– The pre-requisites are evidence of physical, functional or vocational skills that are required for the Health Sciences Faculty and the Higher School of Health Fernando Pessoa courses.
– This evidence is given through a form (Group A form) that must be filled in by a doctor registered in the Portuguese Medical Association.
– The pre-requisites form is given in when registering.

Remaining Places for the 2nd Phase

Architecture and Urbanism (IM) – 14
Civil Engineering – 17
Computer Systems Engineering – 29
Quality, Environment and Safety Management – 11

Nutrition Sciences – 8
Pharmaceutical Sciences – 10
Dentistry (IM) –0

Politic Science and Internacional Relations –11
Communication Sciences –2
Business Sciences –15
Criminology –28
Criminology (distance learning) –110
Psychology –

6. School fees: please see the course’s page

7. Application submission:

7.1. Online:
7.2. At the University’s Admissions Office.

8. Registration:

Admitted applicants must give in the following documents at the Admissions Office:
8.1. EU identificaton document;
8.2. Coloured photo 3 x 4 cm;
8.3. In the case of applications submitted online: hard copies of the:
8.3.1. Diploma of EU secondary education, with indication of the final classification, with the grading scale and the minimum mark for approval; 8.3.2. Transcript of Records of EU secondary education, with indication of the final classification, with the grading scale and the minimum mark for approval;
8.3.3. Proof of correspondence of foreign secondary education level, obtained in any secondary education school in Portugal;
8.3.4. Proof of validation of the school-leaving exams, obtained at the Portuguese Directorate-General for Higher Education;
8.4. Pre-requisites of Group A [link], filled in by a doctor registered in the Portuguese Medical Association, in the case of the health area courses;
8.4.1. For the undergraduate degree in Speech Therapy: students must also give in a Declaration issued by a Speech Therapist registered in the Portuguese Speech Therapists Association, as per model provided by UFP’s Admissions Office [link].
8.5. Proof of proficiency of the Portuguese language for students admitted in the cycles of studies with internships/clinical practices, in UFP’s Pedagogical Clinics, UFP’s Teaching-Hospital or in external Healthcare Units (Clinical Analysis and Public Health, Dentistry, Nursing, Nutrition Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy).
8.5.1. Students that do not give in the proof of proficiency when they register, will mandatorily be enrolled in the “Portuguese for Foreigners” course. The duration of the course is of two school years and students must obtain a positive mark in order to proceed to the clinical training. Students that do not obtain a positive mark in the course at the end of the two years will have to take a 3rd year of the course.
8.5.2. The attendance of the course is subject to the payment of the corresponding fee in force in each school year.

9. Notes:

9.1. There are no refunds of payments, nor return of documents;
9.2. Incomplete applications or registrations are not considered;
9.2.1. The application is only validated after the payment of the application fee;
9.2.2. The registration is only validated after the payment of the registration fee and the tuition fee.
9.3. The opening of the course requires a minimum number of registrations.

2023/24 School Year

1. Non European Union nationals that have never attended university can apply through the International Students regime.

2. Exceptions:

You do not comply with the the International Student regime if:
2.1. You have been enrolled in higher education;
2.2. You have dual nationality with Portugal or another European Union country;
2.3.You have a direct relative that is a Portuguese national or another European Union country national;
2.4. You are benefiting, on the 1st of January of the year in which you intend to apply, from the equality of rights and duties status, attributed under the international treaty between the Portuguese state and your country;
2.5. You have been legally residing continuously in Portugal for more than two years on the 1st of January of the year in which you intend to apply;
2.6. Your parents are non European Union nationals that, on the 1st of January of the year in which you intend to apply, have been legally residing continuously in Portugal for more than two years, and you are legally living with them;
2.7. You wish to apply through the special regimes: students from African countries of Portuguese official language that have a national scholarship; children of foreign diplomats in Portugal; students that practice high frequency sports; East Timor citizens;
2.8. ou intend to acquire nationality of a European Union country.

3. Admissions Conditions:

3.1. To have completed secondary education abroad equivalent to the Portuguese secondary education.
3.2. To have taken, in the current year or fours years before and with a minimum of 95 points, in a scale of 0 to 200 school-leaving exams that are equivalent to the Portuguese admission exams required for the undergraduate course to which you are applying.
3.2.1. To have achieved, in those exams, a minimum of 95 points, in a scale of 0 to 200.
3.3. To be proficient in the language or languages the course is taught in.

4. Admission criteria:

The selection through the International Regime is based on the applicants Application Mark (from the highest to the lowest mark).
4.1. The application mark is a classification in a scale of 0 to 200 points and applicants must have a minimum of 100 points to apply.
4.2. It is calculated using the following formula:
classification of secondary education × 0.65 + classification of the school-leaving exam(s)* × 0.35.

* Equivalent to the Portuguese admission exams required for the undergraduate course to which you are applying.
Note 1: Applicants that do not have the corresponding admission exam or have not taken it in the last 5 years, can take an exam at Fernando Pessoa University.

Architecture and Urbanism – Design or Descriptive Geometry
Civil Engineering – Mathematic
Informatics Engineering – Mathematic
Quality, Environment and Safety Management – Mathematics or Portuguese*.
Nutrition Sciences – Biology
Pharmaceutical Sciences (MI) – Biology
Dentistry (MI) – Biology
Political Science and International Relations – Portuguese*
Communication Sciences – Portuguese*
Political Science and International Relations – Portuguese*
Criminology – Portuguese*
Psychology – Biology or Portuguese*

*In the case of foreign candidates whose native language is not Portuguese, the Portuguese test is replaced by an English test.
Note 2 : Applicants that do not have a document proving proficiency in Portuguese or a document proving proficiency in English you may take the corresponding proficiency test at Fernando Pessoa University Higher School of Health Fernando Pessoa.

5. Documents for application:

– Non EU passport | Students already living in Portugal: Student Visa for Portugal OR Residence Permit issued by SEF (Portuguese Immigration and Border Service);
– Copy of a fiscal identification document (tax number) (for receipt purposes);
– Diploma of non-Portuguese secondary education (notes 11.3. and 11.4);
– Transcript of Records of non-Portuguese secondary education course [with indication of the final classification, with the grading scale and the minimum approval mark] (notes 11.3. and 11.4);

Note: Brazilian students will be able to use the ENEM. In that case, the final classification of non-Portuguese secondary education must appear on the Diploma of non-Portuguese secondary education, which must include the grading scale and the minimum approval mark. (notes 11.3. and 11.4);
– Certificate attesting the approval of a teaching program and granting them the right to apply and to be able to enter higher education in the country in which it was conferred, which contains the ratings obtained in each of the terminal disciplines (notes 11.3. and 11.4);
– Document proving proficiency in Portuguese [not applicable to natives of Portuguese speaking countries];
– Document proving English proficiency [only for courses taught in a bilingual regime]
– Sworn declaration of the International Student statute (UFP model)

The application is only validated after the payment of the application fee.

6. Admission calendar 2023/2024:

Aplication: 1 to 17 March 2023
Admissions exams and/or Portuguese language proficiency exams*: 5 and 6 April 2023 (online, between 09h00 and 18h00, Portuguese time)
Results**: 26 April 2023
Online registration : 1 to 5 May 2023
Validation of the registration***: until 8th september 2023
Beginning of the school year****: 11th september 2023

2nd PHASE (If applicable)
Aplication: 6 to 14 May 2023
Admissions exams and/or Portuguese language proficiency exams*: 5 and 6 April 2023 (online, between 09h00 and 18h00, Portuguese time)
Results**: 7 July 2023
Online registration : 13 to 20 July 2023
Validation of the registration***: until 8th september 2023
Beginning of the school year****: 11 september 2023

7. Places and Pre-requisites (available)

Places 2023-24 (available)

Science and Technology Faculty
Architecture and Urbanism: 1
Civil Engineering: 2
Computer Systems Engineering: 2

Health Sciences Faculty
Nutrition Sciences: 1
Pharmaceutical Sciences: 0
Dentistry: 0

Human and Social Sciences Faculty
Political Science and International Relations: 3
Communication Sciences: 3
Business Sciences: 2
Criminology: 1
Psychology: 2
Criminology EaD: 0

* The pre-requisites are evidence of physical, functional or vocational skills that are required for some of UFP’s undergraduate and integrated master courses. This evidence is given through a form that must be filled in by a doctor registered in the Portuguese Medical Association and are given in, by the admitted students, when registering.
** Students admitted in the Speech Therapy undergraduate must also give in a declaration that proves the absence of language or speech impediments and is proficient in the Portuguese language as it is written and spoken in Portugal (the form is provided by the Admissions Office at UFP and signed by a Speech Therapist registered in the Portuguese Speech Therapists Association) and is given in, by the admitted students, when registering.

8. School fees: please see the price here
(UPDAITING 2023/24)

9. Application submission:

9.1. Exclusively Online in Undergraduate and Integrated Masters – Secondary Education outside of the European Union.

10. Registration:

Admitted students must register online, within the period indicated in the admission calendar. The validation of the registration is done in person at the Admissions Office, within the period indicated in the admission calendar, with:
– Hard copy of the proof of correspondence of foreign secondary education level issued by a Portuguese secondary education school;
– Hard copy of the authenticated Diploma of non-Portuguese secondary education (as per notes 11.3. and 11.4);
– Hard copy of the authenticated Transcript of Records of non-Portuguese secondary education course [with indication of the final classification, with the grading scale and the minimum approval mark] (as per notes 11.3. and 11.4) OR hard copy of the authenticated ENEM results (as per note 11.3);
– Hard copy of the authenticated Certificate attesting the approval of a teaching program and granting them the right to apply and to be able to enter higher education in the country in which it was conferred, which contains the ratings obtained in each of the terminal disciplines (notes 11.3. and 11.4);
– Hard copy of the authenticated Document proving proficiency in Portuguese [not applicable to natives of Portuguese speaking countries];
– Hard copy of the authenticated Document proving English proficiency [only for courses taught in a bilingual regime];
– Student Visa for Portugal or Residence Permit issued by SEF (Portuguese Immigration and Border Service);
– Copy of a fiscal identification document (tax number) (for receipt purposes);
– One passport 3 x 4 cm colour photo;
– Pre-requisites form duly filled out by a doctor in Portugal (if the course has pre-requisites);

The online registration is only validated after the payment of the Registration and the Tuition Fee.

11. Notes:

11.1. There are no refunds of payments, nor return of documents.
11.2. The opening of the course requires a minimum number of registrations.
11.3. Academic certificates issued by foreign education institutions must authenticated the Hague Convention Apostille, in the country in which the studies were taken. If the country has not adhered to the Hague Convention, the authentication must be done by the respective official education services and the respective Portuguese diplomatic authorities.
11.4. Documents that are not issued in the Portuguese language, the English language, the Spanish language or the French language, will only be accepted if accompanied by a certified translation into the Portuguese language.

Candidates who are eligible to apply for the Change of Institution/Course Pair competition must fulfil all of the following conditions:

  1. Have been enrolled and registered in a bachelor’s degree course or integrated master’s cycle in a higher education institution, officially recognised by the respective State, and have not completed it;
  2. Have completed the national secondary education examinations corresponding to the admission exams set for the course to which you are applying, and have obtained a minimum classification of 95 points in these, under the general access regime;
  3. Satisfy the prerequisites, when required by the intended institution/course pair.

For students who have entered higher education through the special competition for students over 23 years of age, the condition established in paragraph (2.) of the previous number may be replaced by homologous tests taken at the higher education institution of origin, within the scope of that special competition. However, this replacement must be approved by the exam board of the respective course at UFP.

Applications: 26 June to 14 July 2023
Credit analysis: 16 to 31 July 2023
Communication of results: 2 August 2023
Online enrolment : 3 to 11 August 2023
Submission of documents (if applicable): before September 8, 2023
Beginning of the school year: September 11, 2023


Applications: 21 to 25 August 2023
Credit analysis: 28 August to 6 September 2023
Communication of results: 8th September 2023
Online enrolment : 11 & 12 September 2023
Submission of documents (if applicable): before September 15, 2023
Beginning of the school year: September 11, 2023

Science and Technology Faculty
Architecture and Urbanism (IM) – 2
Civil Engineering – 1
Computer Systems Engineering – 2
Quality, Environment and Safety Management – 1

Health Sciences Faculty
Nutrition Sciences – 2
Pharmaceutical Sciences – 0
Dentistry (IM) – 0

Human and Social Sciences Faculty
Politic Science and Internacional Relations –2
Communication Sciences –2
Business Sciences –2
Criminology –2
Criminology (distance learning) – 0
Psychology – 2

Candidates in this competition will be selected by successive application of the following criteria:

  1. Average of the curricular units (CU) taken and approved in the higher education course of origin (expressed on a scale of 0 to 20 values, rounded to the nearest decimal and with a maximum of 16.0 values), increased by 1.25 when this previous training was carried out at UFP or ESS-FP, in descending order; Number of ECTS approved in the higher education course of origin, in descending order;
  2. Average of the entrance exams set for the study cycle to which you are applying, rounded to the nearest tenth, in descending order.
  3. When the average of the CUs taken and approved in the higher education course of origin is higher than 16.0 values, the classification of 16.0 values is considered for the purposes of seriation.
  • Candidates who have attended higher education abroad, whose CU classification is expressed in a scale different from the Portuguese one, the proportional conversion of the average of the CU taken and approved obtained to the Portuguese classification scale is applied, under the terms of the law.
  • In situations where there is a lack of UC approved in the higher education course of origin, the value 0 in each of the points (1) and (2) is considered for the purposes of seriation.
  • Only those who have obtained, in the entrance exams set for the desired institution/course pair, a classification equal to or greater than 95 points, on a scale of 0 to 200, or 9.5 points, on a scale of 0 to 20, will be considered for selection.

The prerequisite required to apply for enrolment and registration in the Bachelor’s and Integrated Master’s degree courses of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FCS) is Group A – Interpersonal Communication. The Faculties of Science and Technology (FCT) and Humanities and Social Sciences (FCHS) programs do not require prerequisites.

The application is submitted solely and exclusively online at In order to be considered valid, the application requires the payment of a non-refundable fee, to be made by ATM reference or PayPal.

Documents required for the application:

  • Personal identification document;
  • Tax identification document;
  • Document certifying enrolment in a Bachelor’s or Integrated Master’s degree programme;
  • Certificate of disciplines of the bachelor’s degree or integrated master’s degree; Declaration issued by the university of origin with the following information: name of the candidate; course attended (name and level of studies); simple arithmetic average, to the tenths, of all curricular units taken in the higher education course of origin; total number of ECTS approved in the higher education course of origin; grading scale (indicating the minimum passing grade);
  • Certificate of secondary school education: Applicants who have entered higher education through the General Regime: ENES form or secondary school certificate with the results of the national secondary school exams corresponding to the entrance exams required, through the general regime for access to higher education, for the cycle of studies in question, with a minimum compulsory score of 9.5 values; Applicants who have completed secondary education abroad: narrative certificate of subjects (“Relevé des notes” or “Pagella Scolastica” or “Transcript” or “Histórico”) with the respective classifications, which have been passed in the subject or subjects corresponding to the specific tests set for the application for admission to the study cycle they wish to attend at UFP. Candidates who have entered higher education through the special competition for those over 23: proof of admission to higher education through the aforementioned competition and of the completion of the tests for those over 23, with the final classification and its contents and evaluation components.


(*) Provisions regarding academic certificates:

1. Certificates of national education institutions and of the remaining European Member States:

a) The Academic Services may require the presentation of the originals of the certificates and their translation (if applicable), as described below;

b) In the case of certificates of education institutions of EU Member States:

i. The Transcript of Records must include the respective quantitative grading scale, with the indication of the minimum mark for approval, used in the curricular evaluation;
ii. Certificates that are not issued in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish must be accompanied by a translation into Portuguese, which must be legalized by the Portuguese consular agent in the country of origin of the diploma/certificate or legalized withe the Hague Apostille.

2. Certificates of education institutions of Non European Member States:

a) The Transcript of Records must include the respective quantitative grading scale, with the indication of the minimum mark for approval, used in the curricular evaluation;

b) Certificates that are not issued in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish must be accompanied by a translation into Portuguese, which must be legalized by the Portuguese consular agent in the country of origin of the diploma/certificate or legalized with the Hague Apostille;

c) For the purposes of application, simple copies of the certificates are accepted. For the registration, the admitted students must give in either copies or originals authenticated with the Hague Apostille in the country in which the documents were issued. If the country has not adhered to this Convention, the documents will have to be legalized by the official education services of that country and by the respective Portuguese diplomatic authority.

NOTE: The documents must be digitalized to allow correct visualisation, with the white seals or stamps of the diplomas/academic certificates clearly visible.

Applicants can obtain further information and clarification from the following contact:

NOTE: This information can be consulted in PDF.

1. The recognition of academic degrees and diplomas granted by foreign higher education institutions has a specific legal frame in Portugal, defined by Decree-Law nr. 66/2018, of the

2. In the terms of this decree, only public higher education institutions can grant a direct recognition of foreign academic degrees

3. Fernando Pessoa University (UFP) is a private institution of higher education, thus it cannot grant direct recognition of foreign academic degrees; it can only award credits for studies carried out in higher education institutions, national or foreign, for the purposes of continuing studies, in compliance with article 45 of Decree-Law nr. 65/2018, of the 16th of August.

4. Graduates in Dentistry, or an equivalent designation, from a Higher Education Institution from a non European Union country may apply to UFP’s Integrated Master in Dentistry (IMD), requesting the creditation of previous studies and of professional experience of at least 3 years as a dentist, according to the internal rules of the university and the legislation in force .

1. UFP’s IMD has a total workload of 7500 hours corresponding to 300 ECTS, obtained in a study programme with the normal duration of 5 academic years.

2. The admitted applicants may be granted creditations:

2.1. Within the scope of the graduate degree in Dentistry or legal equivalent, and after the analysis of the academic transcripts or study plan of the degree, the following creditations may be granted:

a) 180 ECTS: to applicants with a degree with a duration of between 7 and 8 semesters;
b) 210 ECTS: to applicants with a degree with a duration of more than 8 semesters

2.2. In the following cases, after approval in summative exams, carried out in person at UFP:

a) An extra 15 ECTS: to applicants with specialization or postgraduate courses or master degrees in the area of dental sciences and professional experience as a dentist between 3 and 8 years;
b) An extra 30 ECTS: to applicants with specialization or postgraduate courses or master degrees in the area of dental sciences and professional experience as a dentist of more than 8 years;
c) An extra 10 ECTS: to applicants that have obtained an academic degree of Doctor of Dentistry, provided they have also completed specialization or postgraduate courses or master degrees in the area of dental sciences and have professional experience as dentists of at least 3 years.

3. The IMD of UFP entitles its holders to request registration in the Portuguese Dental Association, in order to obtain the competent professional title of “Dentist”. Once this title is obtained, in compliance with the terms of the competent European legislation, this professional qualification is entitled to automatic recognition in the other Member States of the European Union.

4. In compliance with the European Community Directive, the IMD is a full-time and in-person course.

4.1. In compliance with the European Community Directive and the Academic Regulations for UFP’s undergraduate degrees and integrated masters , the status of student-worker does not exempt students from attending classes, laboratory practices and clinical classes, for which attendance is mandatory.

5. The IMD classes take place throughout the academic year (September to July), according to the institutional calendar stipulated for that purpose, and are taught in the Portuguese language, thus require that the students have adequate knowledge of the Portuguese language.

5.1. Applicants that do not speak Portuguese must include in their application file proof of proficiency in this language at B2 level, of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, or take and pass a summative exam for verification of said proficiency, organized by the Coordination of the IMD, during the month of November 2022, under penalty of not being able to attend the clinical classes.

6. For the 2022/23 school year, there are 40 places available.

7. Admitted applicants will have to pay an application fee and the fees for the registration of granted creditations in the 1st year of the course and the registration and attendance fees in every year they are registered, according to the school fees in force. School fees rates for 2022/23 can be checked on UFP’s website and at the end of this notice.

a) The submission of the online application is the responsibility of the applicant.
b) All unfilled fields and all documents not submitted in the online application will be considered as missing and no new information will be considered and no new documents will be accepted after the submission of the online application.
c) Incomplete applications will be automatically excluded, by preliminary rejection.
d) All contact with the candidates will be made through the email submitted in the online application, so please ensure that it is inserted correctly.
e) A calendar summarizing the stages of the process is available at the end of the current Notice.

1. Submission of the application for 2022/23

1.1.  Period:between the 1st and the 31st of March 2022

1.2.  Submission method: solely and exclusively online at
When applying, you should follow the following steps:  New User? > Register > Degree Application > Apply
The application regime is “Graduate Degree Holders (Dentistry)”.

2. Documents for the application

a) Applicants will have to fill in the online application form and attach the following documents (in 1 file in PDF format) according to the respective fields of said form.
b) The documents must respect the requirements specified in “Documents’ requirements”.

2.1. Academic documents

2.1.1. Dentistry degree

Diploma of completion of the undergraduate degree;
Transcript of records or descriptive certificate of the course, with:
– The duration in semesters and the total number of hours of the degree;
– The number of hours of each subject;
– The quantitative mark obtained in each subject;
– The final [quantitative] mark of the undergraduate degree;
– The quantitative grading scale used in the higher education institution, with the minimum mark for approval.

2.1.2. Other post-graduate courses, lato sensu and stricto sensu, in the scientific and professional field of dental sciences:

– For each course: Diploma, with the number of hours of the course, final mark and quantitative or qualitative grading scale and, if possible, the transcripts of records, with the number of hours and mark for each subject and the quantitative grading scale.

2.2. Documentation to prove the professional experience as a Dentist:

i. Curriculum vitae(in Europass format: link) describing the professional experience as a Dentist and the total number of years of professional experience in Dentistry
ii. Documents proving the activities mentioned in the CV (example: declarations issued by employers, in their official stationery and duly stamped, describing the professional activity of dentistry/dental medicine carried out in the organization and the period of professional practice).

2.3. Proficiency of the Portuguese language (not applicable to native speaking applicants):

i. Certificate or diploma of Portuguese language course of B2 level, of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Documents’ requirements:
i. Certificates of the Dentistry degree:
a) If the total number of hours of the degree does not appear in the transcript of records, the higher education institution must issue a declaration with this information, which must be included in the online application.
b) If the quantitative grading scale is not included in the transcript of records, the higher education institution must issue a declaration with this information (including the minimum mark for approval), which must be included in the online application.
c) If the quantitative marks of the curricular units of the degree do not appear in the transcript of records, the higher education institution must issue a declaration with this information, which must be included in the online application.
d) If the final mark of the graduate degree is not indicated in the transcript of records, the higher education institution must issue a declaration with this information, which must be included in the online application
– In the absence of a final mark of the degree in Dentistry in a document issued by the university that confers the degree, and in the courses of quantitative classification, UFP will calculate and use the arithmetic average of all subjects in the transcript of records.
e) If the higher education institution only issues qualitative grades, it should issue a declaration with the final grade and the grading scale, so UFP can convert the qualitative mark into a quantitative mark.
– In the absence of this declaration, the following will be applied :
In situations where there is a final qualitative classification of the degree, the following quantitative conversion to the Portuguese scale will be applied:

Qualitative final gradeQuantitative conversion
Very Good16

ii. All academic and professional documents:
a) Documents that are not issued in the Portuguese language, the English language, the Spanish language or the French language, will only be accepted if accompanied by a certified translation into the Portuguese language.
b) The accepted authentication is the Hague Convention Apostille, obtained in the country of the institutions that issued the documents;
– If the country has not adhered to the Hague Convention, the authentication must be done by the respective official education services and the respective Portuguese diplomatic authorities.
– In the online application, the stamp of the institutions that issued the academic and professional documents and the authentications of the documents must be clearly visible.

3.  Application fee

3.1. Amount: 400.00€, non-refundable
3.1.1. The application fee is non-refundable if the candidate is not placed, if the applicant is excluded by preliminary rejection of the file or if the applicant cancels his/her application;

3.2. Payment method: [selected when submitting the online application]:
3.2.1. Multibanco [ATM] reference, for applicants with a Portuguese bank account;
3.2.2. PayPal, for applicants that do have a Portuguese bank account;
The payment by PayPal is subject to a surcharge to cover the costs charged by that entity to UFP.

3.3. Date of payment:
3.3.1. Payment by Multibanco [ATM] reference: applicants will receive an email after submitting their application and will have a maximum of 12 hours to make the payment;
3.3.2. Payment by PayPal: after submitting the application on UFP’s website, the candidates are forwarded to the PayPal website to make the payment at that moment – if they do not do it then, they will not be able to validate the payment later on, so, they have to re-submit the application on UFP’s website.

3.4. The application is only validated after the application fee has been received.

1. The admission is done according to the Ranking Mark of the applicants, in descending order, until the number of available places is filled in.

2. The formula for the calculation of the Ranking Mark is [(65% X Ng) + (35% X Nag)] : 2 + EC + FPG = Ns, in which:

– Ng means “Undergraduate mark” – in a scale of 0 – 20”;
– Nag means “Duration of the undergraduate degree in number of academic semesters”;
– EC means scoring awarded to the clinical experience ;
– FPG means scoring awarded to the post-graduate studies;
– Ns means “ranking mark”.

4. The scoring to be awarded by the clinical experience is as follows:

Up to 5 years of clinical experience: 0 points;
More than 5 years and less than 10 years of clinical experience: 1 point;
10 or more years of clinical experience: 3 points;

5. The scoring to be awarded by post-graduate studies is as follows:
Lato sensu courses (only courses with a minimum of 225 hours will be considered):

– 2 points;
– Stricto sensu courses (master degrees): 3 points;
– Stricto sensu courses (doctoral degrees): 4 points.

1. The information about the result of the application will be sent by email on the 29th of April 2022.

2. In said email, the information of the placement or not in the IMD will be communicated.

3. In the case of placed candidates, the email will also inform about:
3.1. The number of ECTS credited by the Dentistry degree;
3.2. The estimated duration of the complementary course;
3.3. The estimated fees for the registration of the ECTS credited in the Dentistry graduation obtained in a non European Union higher education institution, that have to be paid in one instalment, until 30th of June 2022;
3.3.1. The fee for the registration of creditations, per each ECTS and according to the origin of the credit, can be checked on page 2 of the School Fees accessible at the end of this Notice.

4. The result of the application can be appealed to the Director of the Faculty of Health Sciences. The request, duly substantiated, can be sent until the 3rd of May 2022, using the email submitted in the online application, to

1. Deadline: until the 16th of May 2022;

2. Procedure:

2.1. Online registration, at UFP’s website, paying the registration fee and tuition fee;
2.1.1. The payment can be done by ATM or bank transfer;

2.2. Delivery in person or by post of:
2.1.2. Copies or originals of the academic certificates and professional documents submitted in the online application duly authenticated (as indicated in line b) of the item ii. of paragraph “Documentation requirements” of section “C. Application”);
2.1.3. Official programmes and contents of each subject (syllabi) of the Dentistry degree, duly stamped by the higher education institution that issued them; The programme of each subject must include the content of the subject, the number of hours, the study plan, the evaluation methodology and the bibliography to be followed.

i. Copies of the programmes can be accepted provided they are authenticated as indicated in line b) of the item ii. of paragraph “Documentation requirements” of section “C. Application”;
ii. Notwithstanding the fact that the deadline for online enrolment is 16.05.2022, the payment of the fees can be received until 18.05.2022 – however, documents sent by post must reach UFP’s Admissions Office until 16.05.2022;
iii. The validation of the registration (reception of payments and documents) after the deadline will result in the annulment of the process.

1. The registered students will be informed on the 15th of June 2022:

1.1. Of the curricular units credited due to the undergraduate degree in Dentistry completed in a non European Union higher education institution;

1.2. Of the fees for the registration of these creditations, that must be paid until the 30.06.2022;

1.3. Of the curricular units they must take and successfully pass in order to complete the IMD;

1.4. Of the curricular units they can request summative exams for the assessment of knowledge and competences in the context of post-graduate studies and/or professional experience, if applicable.
1.4.1. The schedule of the summative exams will be included in said communication.

1. Inscription: by email until the 1st of July 2022.

2. Place: the exams are taken in person at UFP.

3. Dates: September 2022, according to the schedule announced on the 15th of June.

4. Results: communicated by email on the 21st of September; this communication will include:
4.1. The curricular units that have been credited as a result of the summative exams;
4.2. The fee to pay for the registration of the new creditations, that must be paid in one instalment, until 06.10.2022;

5. The alteration of the inscription in curricular units, due to these results (if applicable), will be done by the administrative services until the end of the month.

1. Deadline: until 06.10.2022, with:

2. Procedures:

2.1. Submission of the Group A pre-requisites of form filled in by a doctor registered in the Portuguese Medical Assicionation;
2.2. Presentation of a European Union identification document or, in the case of Non European Union nationals, presentation of the original e delivery of a copy of:
2.2.1. Residence permit issued by SEF Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras de Portugal (“Immigration and Borders Service”) or
2.2.2. Student Visa issued for Portugal, in cases of students living abroad; After the registration online, students living abroad can request a declaration for the Portuguese Consulate to help obtain the Student Visa; Residence permits issued for other European Union countries are not valid.

2.3. Signing of the Minutes of the creditations.

1. The school year in Portugal runs from September to July;
1.1. The 2022/23 school year will start 12th September 2022.

2. The application is only valid for the school year it is submitted for;
2.1. Admitted applicants that do not register within the deadline will lose their place.

3. There is no return of documents given in.

4. There is no refund of any payments.

5. Delays in payments are subject to penalties, as foreseen in the General Rules Regarding the Payment of School Fees at UFP.

6. Students can only attend classes after regularizing their administrative situation.

The fees can also be consulted in PDF

1. Application Fee: (Application fee (includes creditation analysis): 400.00€

2. Anuual Registration Fee: 400.00€

3. Tuition Fee (60 ECTS) » Paid when registering and Renewed in each school year.

(1) Paid in 1 instalment: 7.550.00€
(2) Paid in 10 instalment: 10 x 805.00€ = 8050€ / 1st instalment paid when registeringe and the others Remaining 9 instalments paid until the 10th day of the months in the period from October to June

4. Registration of creditation fee: According to the number of ECTS credited and the origin of the creditations – Document PDF here.

– The fee is obtained by multiplying the number of ECTS to register by an amount per ECTS;
– The amount per ECTS depends on the origin of the creditations, and can be checked in page 2;
– Dates of payment:
i) Registration of curricular units credited due to the undergraduate degree in Dentistry completed in a Non European Union higher education institution: until the 30th of June 2022;
ii) Registration of curricular units credited due to summative exams (post-graduate studies and/or professional experience) (if applicable): until the 6th of October 2022;
– The payment is done in 1 instalment.

5. Use and wear and tear of instruments in ufp’s dentistry clinic: 2 x 50.00 €
Payment until the 10th of September and the 10th of February: Renewed in each semester enrolled in clinical curricular units.

6. Portuguese for foreigners course tuition fee: For students of non Portuguese speaking countries that do not prove proficiency of the Portuguese language.» Valor por ano letivo.

Paid in 1 instalment » 1.200.00€ ( Paid when enrolling in the curricular units.)
Paid in 10 instalment » 10 x 144.00€ (1st instalment paid when enrolling in the curricular units; remaining instalments paid until the 10th day of the months between October and June)


The regime for admission to Higher Education for applicants over 23 years old designates the tests that are especially appropriate and intended to assess the capacity of candidates over 23 years old to attend higher education.

Applicants must comply, cumulatively, with the following conditions:

Have completed 23 years of age until the 31st of December of the year preceding the application;
Not have any qualifications that grant them access to higher education.

i) The following applicants are considered as having qualifications for access to higher education: applicants who have taken and passed the admission exams for the higher education course that they wish to enter and applicants who are qualified to submit an application through another admission regime.
  • For the purpose of determining the final classification, a percentage will be calculated for each of the assessment elements:
    i) For the written exams, with an equal value: 45%;
    ii) For the assessment of the curriculum: 40%
    iii) For the interview: 15%.
  • For the ranking of the applicants, these percentages will be converted to the numerical scale from 0 to 20.
  • Applicants with a final classification equal to or higher than 10 will be considered for ranking.
  • The ranking is done in descending order of the final classification until all available places are filled.

The application can be submitted online on platform and must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Application form dully filled in (.PDF – not applicable for online applications);
  • European Union Identification Document or Residence Permit issued by the Portuguese Immigration and Border Service of Portugal;
  • Photocopy of the Taxpayer Card;
  • Document proving the status of family of Portuguese or EU member state nationals (if applicable);
  • Written statement to the Jury of the exams on the motivation for the application (free template);
  • Detailed Curriculum Vitae, according to the Europass template (link);
  • Proof of the activities mentioned in the
  • Curriculum Vitae*;
  • Qualifications Certificate*;
  • Declaration, under oath, that you do not hold any higher education access qualifications (UFP model / ESS-FP model);
  • Certificate proving the approval in the tests for over 23 years old, with the identification of them, issued by the Higher Education Institution where they were taken (if applicable).
Note: The application is only validated after the payment of the respective fee.

* Academic certificates and documents’ requirements:

The white seals or stamps of the entities issuing the certificates and documents must be clearly visible in the online application.
Academic certificates and documents issued by foreign institutions:

    • The Transcript of Records must include the respective quantitative grading scale, with the indication of the minimum mark for approval, used in the curricular evaluation.
    • Documents must be issued in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French. If issued in another language they must be translated into Portuguese by a translator recognized by the Portuguese diplomatic authorities.
    • Academic certificates and documents of:
      – National and European Union institutions: if admitted, for the registration, the Academic Services may require the presentation of the originals of the certificates;
      – Non European Union institutions: if admitted, for the registration applicants will have to give in photocopies or originals authenticated with the Apostille of the Hague Convention in the country where the course was held; if the country has not joined the Convention, the documents must be authenticated by the official education services of that country and the respective Portuguese diplomatic authority.

Applicants must take 2 (two) exams, according to the course they are applying to:

  • Architecture and Urbanism (IM)
  • Computer Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Quality Management, Environment and Safety

– English (for applicants whose native language is not Portuguese) (ENG)
– Mathematics (ENG)

  • Nutrition Sciences
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences (MI)
  • Dental Medicine (MI)

– English (for applicants whose native language is not Portuguese) (ENG)
– Biology (ENG)

  • Business Science
  • Communication Science

– English (for applicants whose native language is not Portuguese) (ENG)
– Business and Communication Sciences (ENG)

  • Criminology
  • Political Science and International Relations
  • Psychology

– English (for applicants whose native language is not Portuguese) (ENG)
– Political Science and Behaviour (ENG)

UFP supports the applicants in their preparation, taking into consideration the specific contents of the exams:

  • Summary of the tests with the objectives, the contents of the test and the reference bibliography and study material;
  • Short preparation courses, with classes from 5 p.m. onwards, aimed at preparing candidates for the entrance examinations and, at the same time, at helping them to understand the essential topics for university attendance.
Note: These courses have an additional fee to the application fee and require previous inscription.

Summary of the tests and study material:

Exam English: study material here ⇒ ENG
Exam Political Science and Behaviour: study material here ⇒ENG
Exam Biology: Manual contents on 10º e 11º adopted by DGE
Exam Business and Communication Sciences: study material here ⇒ ENG

The Regulation of the tests for access and admission to the Fernando Pessoa University for Applicants over 23 years of age establishes the procedures for the realization of the tests especially suitable and intended to assess the capacity to attend higher education of those over 23 years of age, in accordance with the stipulations of Decree-Law no. 64/2006, of 21 March, amended by Decree-Laws no. 113/2014, of 16 July, and no. 63/2016, of 13 September.

You can check the Regulation following the link.

* It presupposes the prior submission of the application
** For delivery of missing documents (if applicable)

IMPORTANT: the second phase conditioned to the remaining vacancies of the 1st phase.

Registration for the Over 23s exams: 5 to 16 June 2023
Inscription in test preparation sessions:* 5 to 16 June 2023
Test Preparation Sessions: From June 26 to July 14, 2023 (Online, Monday to Friday, between 6 pm and 11 pm)
Interviews: 17-21 July 2023 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 6pm)
Internal exams: 20-21 July 2023 (between 6pm and 11pm)
Announcement of the results of the exams:** 3 August 2023
Applications: 4 to 11 August 2023
Notification of the results of the application: ** 21 August 2023
Claims for results: 22 and 23 August 2023
Online Registration: 24 – 31 August 2023
Submission of documents: *** Before September 8 2023
Beginning of the school year: **** 11 September 2023

* Optional, but presupposes registration for the Over 23s exams.
**Until 11pm.
***If applicable.
**** Due date.

Architecture and Urbanism (IM) -2
Computer Engineering -3
Civil Engineering – 3
Quality Management, Environment and Safety -5
Nutrition Sciences – 1
Pharmaceutical Sciences (MI) – 13
Dentastry (MI)- 0
Business Science -2
Communication Science -4
Criminology – 4
Criminology EaD – 0
Political Science and International Relations – 4
Psychology -3

  • Course to prepare for exams: adicional fee 100€ each course
  • Prices (consult fees here)
  • Information requests regarding applications must be done by email to until 14h00 (Portugal time) of the penultimate day for the submission of applications;
  • Incomplete applications are not considered;
  • There are no refunds of payments;
  • There is no return of documents given in;
  • The application is only validated after the payment of the Application Fee;
  • The registration is only validated after the payment of the Registration Fee and the Tuition Fee;
  • The opening of the courses requires a minimum number of registrations;
  • Students admitted to health undergraduate degrees below:
    – Dentistry
    – Nutrition Sciences
    – Pharmaceutical Sciences

    Must give in, for the registration:
    – Pre-requisites of Group A (PDF), filled in by a doctor registered in the Portuguese Medical Association;
    – For the undergraduate degree in Speech Therapy: students must also give in a Declaration issued by a Speech Therapist registered in the Portuguese Speech Therapists Association, as per model provided by the UFP – ESS-FP Admissions Office (PDF).
    – Proof of proficiency of the Portuguese language, level B2, of the European Reference Framework for Languages.
    -Students that do not give in the above indicated proof of proficiency when they register will mandatorily be enrolled in the “Portuguese for Foreigners” course.
    – The duration of the course is of two school years and students must obtain a positive mark in order to proceed to the clinical training.
    – Students that do not obtain a positive mark in the course at the end of the two years will have to take a 3rd year of the course.
    – The attendance of the course is subject to the payment of the corresponding fee in force in each school year.

  • Failure to deliver the documents for the finalization of the registration within the deadline stipulated in the admissions calendar entails the cancellation of registration, however, this does not exempt from the payment of school fees due until the date of cancellation.
Note: Applicants with a non EU graduate degree in Dentistry that wish to apply to our Integrated Cycle in Dentistry must check the admission conditions in option “Continuation of studies at University Fernando pessoa (UFP) in the integrated master in Dentistry (IMD) by applicants with an undergraduate degree in dentistry obtained in non european union countries 22/23”

Admissions Conditions:

To have completed a higher education degree (a three year undergraduate degree, a master degree or a doctoral degree) in a Portuguese or a foreign institution of higher education.

Applicants within this admission regime can apply to any higher education course.

  • The ranking of candidates is done in descending order of the final classification of the higher education degree of the applicant.
  • In the event of a tie, the following criteria shall apply, successively:
    – 1st criteria: Highest final classification of the higher education degree rounded to the unit;
    – 2nd criteria: Degree and diploma giving priority, successively, to holders of an undergraduate degree, master degree and doctoral degree.

Application submission:
Exclusively online, by clicking on the button “APPLY NOW” at the bottom of this page. You should read all the information very carefully before submitting your application.

  • European Union identification document; Non European Union Citizens living in Portugal: Student Visa for Portugal or Residence Card issued by the Portuguese Immigration and Border Service (SEF); Non European Union Citizens living abroad: Passport
  • Tax identification document (for issuing receipts)
  • Candidates with a Portuguese diploma:
    – Diploma of completion of the undergraduate or graduate degree, with the final classification;
    Candidates with foreign diploma:
    – Diploma of completion of the undergraduate or graduate degree, with the final classification and the corresponding grading scale, including the minimum mark for approval* and **
    – Declaration that the course is recognized as superior by the legislation of the country concerned * and **

(*) In the case of studies carried out in Non European Union educational institutions, the documents (whether they are originals or photocopies) must be authenticated with the Hague Convention Apostille in the country in which the course was completed. If said country has not adhered to the Convention, it must be authenticated by the official education services of that country and by the respective Portuguese diplomatic authorities. If admitted, applicants will have to give in hard copies of the duly authenticated certificates for validation of the registration.
(**) For studies carried out in foreign educational institutions: certificates that are not issued in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish must be accompanied by a translation into Portuguese, which must be legalized by the Portuguese consular agent in the country of origin of the diploma / certificate or legalized by the Hague Convention Apostille.
Note: The application is only validated after payment of the respective fee.

1st phase
Applications: 26 June to 14 July 2023
Analysis of accreditations: 16 to 31 July 2023
Communication of results: 2 August 2023
Online enrolment : 3 to 11 August 2023
Submission of documents (if applicable): before September 8, 2023
Beginning of the school year: September 11, 2023

2nd phase – only for courses with remaining places
Applications: 21 to 25 August 2023
Credit analysis: 28 August to 6 September 2023
Communication of results: September 8, 2023
Online enrolment : 11 & 12 September 2023
Submission of documents (if applicable): before 15th September 2023
Beginning of the school year:*: September 11, 2023

(*) Students admitted in the 2nd phase will be responsible for recovering the subjects taught up to the date of enrolment and registration in the course units.

Faculty of Science and Technology
Architecture and Urbanism: 2
Civil Engineering: 1
Computer Engineering: 2
Quality, Environment and Safety Management: 1

Faculty of Health Sciences
Nutrition Sciences: 2
Pharmaceutical Sciences: 0
Dentistry: 0

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Political Science and International Relations: 2
Communication Sciences:2
Business Science: 2
Criminology: 2
Criminology (EaD): 2
Psychology: 2

Applicants that are admitted will have to register online within the time indicated in the admission calendar.
The validation of the registration is done in person at the Admission Office, within the deadline set in the admission calendar, giving in the following documents:

  • Hard copies of the duly authenticated academic certificates of studies completed in Non European Union educational institutions submitted in the online application;
  • Group A prerequisites form, completed by a doctor registered in Portugal (applicable to the courses identified in Note .4.; see Note .4.1.);
  • Proof of proficiency in the Portuguese language (applicable to the courses identified in Note .4; see Note .5.);
  • Non European Union Citizens: Student Visa for Portugal or Residence Card issued by the Portuguese Immigration and Border Service (SEF).

Note: The registration is only validated after the payment of the registration fee and the tuition fee.
  • Request for credit analysis (PDF);
  • Payment of the application fee for credit analysis (fee available at point 2 of “other fees” of the annual price list);
  • There is no refund of the fee paid if the request is rejected;
  • The accreditation process will only be considered valid and registered, after the payment of the respective accreditation registration fees, as provided in the General Rules for the Payment of School Fees at UFP
  • Application for accreditation of training carried out in the national or foreign higher education system and of technological specialization courses:
    1) Descriptive certificates or certificates stating the grades obtained, the approval dates, the grading scale used (when different from the Portuguese grading scale) and the respective credits (if applicable);
    2) Programmes/Content sheets, indicating the work and evaluation methods and the number of hours of the course units or training carried out, stamped by the issuing teaching institution;
    3) Study plan of the study cycle or training carried out;
    4) In case of training carried out in foreign higher education institutions, a document proving that the institution is recognized by the competent authorities of the respective State, as being part of its higher education system, under the terms established by article I.1 of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region, approved for ratification by the Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic no. 25/2000, of 30 March.Notes:
    a) Documents issued by national or European Union educational or training institutions: originals or certified copies with the Apostilha da Convenção de Haia in the country where the course is held or in Portugal by a notary, lawyer, post office or parish council;
    b) Documents issued by non-EU educational institutions: must be submitted, either originals or copies, with certification of the Apostilha da Convenção de Haiain the country where the course takes place; if the country has not joined the Convention, the documents must be authenticated by the official education services of the country where the course takes place and by the respective Portuguese diplomatic services of that country;
    c) Documents issued by foreign education or training institutions that are not issued in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English must be accompanied by a translation into Portuguese language by a translator recognized by the Portuguese diplomatic authorities;
  • Requests for crediting other training, carried out outside the higher education system, and professional experience:
    1) Curriculum vitae prepared in accordance with the European model (Europass), updated and duly dated and signed;
    2) Evidence of the activities mentioned therein and proof of professional experience and skills issued by competent bodies or descriptive and certifying elements of the training carried out, for which crediting is sought (originals or certified copies as explained above);
    3) Contents of the training or professional activity, with a detailed description of the functions and tasks performed and the effective learning outcomes (namely competences acquired through the experience) relevant for crediting purposes (This document should be written in A4 format, font Times New Roman, size 12, with 2,5 cm margins and a maximum length of 9000 words)
    4) Any other elements considered pertinent to the assessment of the accreditation request.

Exception: During the process of analysis of the accreditation request additional documentation may be required.

Moment of submission of the creditation analysis request:
a) When applying to a study cycle;
b) On the act of enrolment and up to 10 (ten) working days thereafter;
c) In the act of registering the student in the academic year, and up to 10 (ten) subsequent working days, when the training or professional experience has occurred in the previous year;
d) On the application for re-entry and up to 10 (ten) working days thereafter;
e) At the end of the academic year, when an internal change of study cycle is requested.

Form of submission of the creditation analysis request:

  • In person;
  • By post, to the address below, within the deadline indicated above; payment of the credit analysis request fee by postal order.

The Rules for crediting the training and professional experience of candidates and students of the Organic Units of the University Fernando Pessoa can be consulted on the university’s website at

– There is no refund of fees paid or return of documentation submitted;

– The opening of the courses is subject to a minimum number of enrolments;

– The documents submitted in the online application must be scanned in order to allow for correct viewing, with the white stamps or stamps of the diplomas/academic certificates and the documents proving the activities mentioned in the CV clearly visible:

  • For candidates holding certificates from European Union educational institutions: the Academic Services may require the presentation of the originals of the certificates and of the translation thereof, certified according to the terms previously stipulated;
  • For candidates holding certificates from extra-EU educational institutions: the pre-enrolment made online will only be validated through the delivery, within the deadline indicated in the admission schedule, of the physical version of the certificates of studies carried out in extra-EU educational institutions, duly authenticated (as per *);

– Applicable to those admitted to the courses in: Nutritional Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dental Medicine;

– Students admitted to the Nutritional Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Dental Medicine courses who do not provide this proof at the time of enrolment will be obligatorily enrolled to attend the “Portuguese for Foreigners” course:

  • The duration of the course is two academic years and approval is required in order to proceed to clinical training;
  • Students who do not pass the course at the end of the two years will have to attend a 3rd year of the course;
  • The attendance of the course is subject to the payment of the respective fee in practice.

Information on Tuition Fees, Emoluments, and other Fees see here

More Informations:
Admission Office
University Fernando Pessoa
Praça 9 de Abril, 349
4249-004 Porto-Portugal

[School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences]
Av. Fernando Pessoa, 150
4420-096 Gondomar • Portugal
Phone: +351 22 507 1300*

[Faculty of Human and Social Sciences]
Praça 9 de Abril, 349
4249-004 Porto • Portugal
Phone: +351 22 507 1300*

[Faculty of Health Sciences]
Rua Carlos da Maia, 296
4200-150 Porto • Portugal
Phone: +351 22 507 1300*

[Faculty of Science and Technology​]
Praça 9 de Abril, 349
4249-004 Porto • Portugal
Phone: +351 22 507 1300*

Av. Fernando Pessoa, 150
4420-096 Gondomar • Portugal
Phone: +351 22 245 5455*

Rua Delfim Maia, 334
4200-253 Porto • Portugal
T. +351 22 507 1300*

* (call to the national fixed network)