UFP • Student Services
Staff’s professionalism, willingness and approachability are the hallmarks of the services we provide. Our teachers, as well as being academically qualified, are known for being very close to the students and available to answer their questions.
We distinguish ourselves by the services we provide, but above all by how we provide them. The humanization of services is our main character; through it, we make a difference!
Admissions & Secretariat
The Admissions Office is a face-to-face service to provide administrative support for the application and first-time enrolment at University Fernando Pessoa.
Admission office:
Praça 9 de Abril, 349
4249-004 Porto
Phone. +351 22 507 13 00
Email: ingresso@fundacaofernandopessoa.pt
Schedule Attendance:
Mon. to Fri.: 10:00-12:00 • 15:00-17:00
The Secretariats provide face-to-face administrative support to UFP students.
Admission office:
Praça 9 de Abril, 349
4249-004 Porto
Phone. +351 22 507 13 00
Email: secretaria@fundacaofernandopessoa.pt
Schedule Attendance:
Mon. to Fri.: 10:00-12:00 • 15:00-17:00
InforEstudante it’s a support platform for students of the University Fernando Pessoa
Allows realize:
- Applications to courses;
- Registration and Enrolment;
- Consult evaluation tables;
- Consult Classes, Timetables and Summaries;
- Consult information on courses and subjects;
- Obtaining your Diploma Supplement.
The Scholarship Office (GASE) has as its main objective to enable all students, regardless of their economic conditions, to attend our courses.
See more information about Scholarships and Support
Praça 9 de Abril, 349
4249-004 Porto • Portugal
Phone: (+351) 22 507 1300
Service Schedule:
Mon. to Fri.: 10:00-12:00 • 15:00-17:00
Face-to-face attending:
Ticket B
Internships & Career Opportunities
“Meeting labour market needs”
All undergraduate courses and Integrated Masters at UFP include periods of internships, either in the form of curricular internships or clinical practice, clinical teaching or other.
UFP’s Gabinete de Estágios e Saídas Profissionais (GESP) is responsible for the organization and management of internships of the courses integrated in the Faculties of Science and Technology and Human and Social Sciences.
GESP is also dedicated to developing links with institutions and companies, establishing a bridge between academia and the professional market. In this context, it supports students in their insertion into working life, by providing information about the labour market, drawing up CVs and interview practice.
The entities interested in receiving trainees from Fernando Pessoa University should make their requests by email. The formalization of internships will be made by GESP, by email, indicating the name of the students and course.
Praça 9 de Abril, 349
4249-004 Porto • Portugal
Edifício Sede – 3º Piso
Phone: +351 225 071 300
Service Schedule:
Mon. to Fri.: 9:30-13:00 • 15:00-19:00
- Academia Morangos Maia
- Adice – Associação para o Desenvolvimento
- Integrado na Cidade de Ermesinde
- Associação Horizontes
- A Fundação Portuguesa “A Comunidade Contra a Sida”
- Agrupamento de Escolas de António Feijó
- Agrupamento de Escolas de Águas Santas
- Agrupamento de Escolas Augusto Gil
- Agrupamento de Escolas de Cinfães
- Agrupamento de Escolas de Paços de Ferreira
- Agrupamento de Escolas de Vouzela
- Agrupamento de Escolas Joaquim de Araújo
- Agrupamento de Escolas Rodrigues de Freitas
- Aladi – Associação Lavrense de Apoio ao Diminuído Intectual
- Amiito-Building e Technologies
- APPACDM de Mirandela
- ARH – Administração da Região Hidrográfica do Norte I.P.
- ARS – Norte
- ASAE – Autoridade de Segurança Alimentar e Económica em Portugal
- Associação Católica Internacional ao Serviço da Juventude Feminina
- Associação de Apoio Social de Sanfins
- Associação de Solidariedade Social da Madalena
- Associação Movimentos e Olhares
- Associação Mundo a Sorrir
- Associação Sindical dos Funcionários de Investigação Criminal da Polícia Judiciária
- Avenir Publicidade, Lda.
- A. Ramalhão – Consultoria, Gestão e Serviços, Lda
- Barclays Bank PLC
- Berço
- Bombeiros Voluntários de Ponte de Lima
- Bomporto Cooperativa de Solidariedade Social, CRL
- Câmara Municipal da Póvoa de Varzim
- Câmara Municipal de Castelo de Paiva
- Câmara Municipal de Ovar
- Câmara Municipal do Porto
- Cáritas – Diocesana do Porto
- Cati – Centro de Apoio à Terceira Idade de São Mamede Infesta
- Centro Hospitalar Conde Ferreira
- Centro Hospitalar do Alto Minho
- Centro Hospitalar do Médio Ave
- Centro Social de Calendário
- CRIAP – Centro de Reabilitação, Intervenção e Apoio Psicológico
- Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa – Delegação de Fafe
- Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa – Delegação de São João da Madeira
- Centro Hospitalar do Porto
- Centro Hospitalar S. João
- Centro Paroquial e Social de Fornelos
- Cerciespinho
- Cin – Corporação Industrial do Norte, S.A
- Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género
- CPCJ de Valongo
- CPCJ de Vila Real
- Cresotek
- Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa – Delegação de Espinho
- Diap – Departamento de Investigação e Acção Penal Porto
- Direcção Geral de Reinserção Social
- Duvalli, S.A.
- El Corte Inglês – V.N.Gaia
- Elos – Núcleo de Terapia , Educação , Formação e Investigação, Lda
- Encantado – Centro Psicológico e Terapêutico, Lda.
- Escola Sec. Emídio Navarro
- ESEP – Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto
- Espaço T
- FAMM – Engª SA
- Felconta –Pinto Lopes & Moura, Lda
- Ferreira Construção, S.A.
- Foto Sport Digital Imaging, Lda.
- Freguesia da Cidade da Maia
- FS Consultores – Business Consulting & Accounting
- Fundwell
- Futebol Clube do Porto
- Gabilima
- Gabinete Janela Aberta – Ass. Para o Desenvolv.Figueira
- GNR – Guarda Nacional Republicana
- Global Notícias
- GOP – Gestão de Obras Públicas
- Governo Civil do Distrito do Porto
- Grupo Salvador Caetano
- Habigas
- Hospital das Forças Armadas
- Hospital do Terço
- Hospital Magalhães Lemos
- Inforlíder
- Insia – Sistemas de Informação, Lda.
- Instituto da Segurança Social
- Instituto Quintino Aires
- Instituto São João de Deus – Casa de Saúde S. João de Deus – Barcelos
- Janela Aberta
- Junta de Freguesia de Ramalde
- Lar de Santo António – Casa do Leme
- Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro – Núcleo Regional do Norte – Unidade de
- Psico-Oncologia
- Lipor
- LogicBit – Tecnologia de Informação
- LOVIMEC – Construção Civil e Obras Públicas
- Lúcio da Silva Azevedo & Filhos, S.A.
- Lugar dos Afectos
- Meireles & Lopes, Lda.
- Mundo a Sorrir
- NexTV
- OBEGEF – Observatório de Economia e Gestão de Fraude
- Odyssey Médica
- Orientadora -Cont. e Serviços
- Paracélsia
- PIEC – Programa para a Inclusão e Cidadania
- Plano Lunar – Marketing e Publicidade, Lda.
- PSP – Comando Metropolitano do Porto
- PSP – Polícia de Segurança Pública
- Quintinha da Conceição Sousa e Silva, Lda
- R12 – Centro de Recuperação de Doenças de Adicção, Lda.
- Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Barcelos
- Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Fafe
- Searchview Unipessoal, Lda.
- SEF – Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras
- SPT – Empresa de Trabalho Temporário
- Suldouro, SA
- Tecnovia – Sociedade de Empreitadas, S.A.
- Trust in News Unipessoal, Lda.
- T.V.I – Televisão Independente, S.A.
- UCHIYAMA Portugal – Vedantes, Lda
- Umar – União de Mulheres Alternativas e Resposta
- União de freguesias de São Mamede de Infesta e Senhora da Hora
- Unidade Local de Saúde de Matosinhos, E.P.E.
- Unidade Local de Saúde da Guarda, E.P.E.
- WEBTOUR Unipessoal, Lda
IT Support
The mission of the Information Systems and Communications department of the Fernando Pessoa Foundation is to effectively manage the information systems and communication infrastructures, promoting the good use of computer resources and constant innovation of the technologies made available, based on efficient supporting services.
The Information and Communication Systems provide the support/helpdesk service to the academic community:
Students and Teachers: configuration of access to the wireless network provided by University Fernando Pessoa.
Units: software, hardware, services and systems consultancy. Installation of PCs, network connection and configuration of access to the information and communication services provided by UFP.
Praça 9 de Abril, 349
4249-004 Porto
Head Office Building – 3rd Floor
Phone.: +351 22 507 1300
Email: suporte.sic@fundacaofernandopessoa.pt
Site: http://sic.ufp.pt/
Service Schedule:
Mon. to Fri.: 11:30-12:30 • 16:30-17:30
Virtual University
1. CANVAS – E-learning platform
Canvas is a digital teaching/learning and academic collaboration environment that meets the needs of teachers and students in different pedagogical models.
2. COLIBRI/ZOOM –Virtual Room
Colibri/ZOOM is a virtual room that allows the realization of synchronous and interactive sessions such as classes, seminars, meetings, orientations, group works, thus establishing a direct contact between teachers and students.
3. EDUCAST – Recorded classes
Students have access to classes recorded by teachers expressly for distance teaching support, with an average duration of 15 minutes. These experiences consist of a double screen with the speaker’s video and presentations (ppt, prezzi, etc) at the same time and are available in the e-learning system (Canvas).
4. TURNITIN – Similarity identification platform that compares the content produced by students with a database that includes internet sources, student work, scientific research and publications.
Nuno Gomes (Technical support)
Praça 9 de Abril, 349
4249-004 Porto
Main Building – 3rd floor – Gab. UFP-UV
Phone.: +351 22 507 1300 / Ext. 2106
Email: universidade.virtual@fundacaofernandopessoa.pt
Service Schedule:
Mon. to Fri.: 10:00-12:00 • 15:00-18:00
Accommodation & Meals
UFP and ESS-FP provide several spaces where students can eat their lunch
Pessoa Bar (UFP-Sede)
Praça 9 de Abril, 349 · 4249-004 Porto
Scheduale: Mon to Fri – 08:00-18:00
Canteen of the Faculty of Health Sciences
Rua Carlos da Maia, 296 · 4200-150 Porto
Scheduale: Mon to Fri – 07:30-18:00
Poetry Bar
Fernando Pessoa Higher School of Health (ESS-FP)
Rua Delfim Maia, 334 · 4200-253 Porto
Scheduale: Mon to Fri – 07:30-18:00
* The weekly menus of the bars and canteen are communicated by the concessionaries and can be consulted here.
In order to provide an alternative for those who choose to bring their meals from home, UFP and ESS-FP have the following Dining Rooms available to the students:
Building of the School of Postgraduate Studies and Research
Praça 9 de Abril, 349 · 4249-004 Porto
Scheduale: Mon to Fri – 08:00-17:00
Higher School of Health Fernando Pessoa (ESS-FP)
Rua Delfim Maia, 334 · 4200-253 Porto
Scheduale: Mon to Fri – 08:00-23:00
Faculty of Health Sciences (FCS)
Rua Carlos da Maia, 296 · 4200-150 Porto
Scheduale: Mon to Fri – 08:00-23:00
University Fernando Pessoa does not have a student residence, but has a list of selected partners for accommodation, some of them with a promotional code.
- MILESTONE Porto Asprela: UFP students do not pay booking fees, just put the promocode UFP22.
- LIV STUDENT Pólo Universitário: UFP students have a 20% discount on the booking fee.
LIV STUDENT The Campus Street: UFP students have a 50% discount on the booking fee. - U.hub XIOR Campus AsprelaStudyou Porto Asprela
- Livensa Living Porto Campus: Get €100* or €50* if you are a UFP student.
*Academic year reservations – min 285 days, use code POR_UFP_AY
*Semester Reservations – min 151 days, use code POR_UFP_SM - BigCity Porto Asprela: promocode UFP2324.
Student Welfare Advisor
The student welfare officer’s objective, although without decision-making powers, is to ensure compliance with the regulations in force at the university and to ensure that those involved in the teaching/learning process fulfill their duties and enjoy their rights, in a way that is fair and adjusted to the systematic development of the rigor, quality, and innovation of UFP’s educational project.
As stipulated by article 17º of UFP’s Statutes, the student’s wefare is responsible for:
- Analyzing all areas of conflict within its scope of action;
- To seek, in collaboration with the directors of the organic units and other competent organs and services, the most adequate means for the protection of students’ legitimate interests
- To promote the coherence of the University organs’ deliberations about students, for analogous situations;
- To point out any ambiguities in rules and regulations and to issue suggestions for their interpretation, alteration or revocation;
- To advise the directors of the organic units in the delegated exercise of disciplinary power over students.