School of Medicine
and Biomedical Sciences

Integrated Master´s Degree


Typical Entry requirements:
Biology and Geology, Physics
and Chemistry and Mathematics A
Prerequisites: Group A (PDF)


10 national candidates
30 foreign candidates


English (reference level C1)*

* Possibility to assess English proficiency, level C1, at UFP – june 30th (1st phase),  july 14th (2nd phase) and july 19th (3rd phase)
** Foreign candidates must have a knowledge of Portuguese language (level A2). The assessment can be proven at UFP – june 29th (1st phase),  july 13th (2nd phase) and july 20th (3rd phase)
Summative assessment at the end of the 3rd year ( minimum level B2) is mandatory for the progression of studies and enrollment in the 4th year (Clinical Education).

These informations do not exclude the need to consult the current regulations of the Integrated Master’s in Medicine  (PDF).

About the Program


An innovative curriculum design folllowing the most recent trends in medical training. A spiral curriculum development based on cases and problems and on scientific evidence, where key concepts are presented repeatedly throughout the course with deepening layers of complexity and different applications. A challenging and integrative approach, appealing to critical thinking, emphasising teamwork and shared scientific research while accounting for the uniqueness of medical profession.


The medicine program covers the study of human body regulatory systems, the interconnections between individuals’ life cycle, health and disease, and the use of new and emerging therapies. It emphasizes the importance for practicioners of epidemiological and biostatistical information, the determinants of population’s health, and the organisation models of health care delivery systems. Aspiring to be doctors are prepared with robust clinical skills completed with the ethics and values of the medical profession.


An integrative teaching methodology, combining the knowledge of basic sciences with those of clinical sciences. The immersion in a hospital’s environment since the beginning of the program, promotes students’ hard and soft skills in multiple areas of medical action, allowing individuals to acquire knowledge and develop leadership competences in clinical activity and in applied medicine research.


Unique environment for medical education and training


The only private university in Portugal integrating its own Hospital to welcome students in clinical immersion from day one.


An in-depth approach to scientific advances in the different areas of health, their methodologies, including molecular biology and pathology, biomedical engineering, and digital technology applied to prevention, diagnosis, and the development of new therapies and medical devices.


Highly qualified faculty, professionally and academically experienced, and widely renown in Portugal and abroad.


Clinical training focused on the community, in contact with the real needs of the populations, valuing public health and social medicine.



Qualified academic staff trained in the latest pedagogical skills for an integrated, student-centered, participatory teaching-learning system based on problem (PBL), clinical cases (CBL) and promoting entrustable professional activities (EPA).

Welcome Team

The welcoming team, made up of staff from UFP and the School Hospital, facilitates the integration of new students.

The Support Team

During the application process, you can count on the support and advice of UFP’s team of professionals.

Study Plan

Result of the accreditation process by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES):

Decision: Accredited conditionally
Accreditation validity: 1 year
Publication date of the decision: 17/01/2023
Accreditation period: 31/07/2023
A3ES Deliberation: NCE/21/2100268
CA Decision: Link
Integrated Master · duration: 12 semesters · 360 ECTS*
According to Aviso n.º 5557/2023, de 15 de março
Main scientific area: Medicine
* The degree of Bachelor of Basic Health Sciences is granted to students who complete the first 180 ECTS Credits.

1st YEAR

Curricular Unit Coordinator: 
Daniela Maria Martins Mendes
Associate Professor

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– To know the scientific foundations of medicine and the current reality of future medicine;
– To analyze the social dimension of medicine and understand the functioning of health systems;
– To know the basic concepts of biostatistics and its application to medical sciences;
– To understand probability theory and its role in statistical inference and clinical decisions;
– To understand and correctly interpret statistical data and results in medical literature;
– To know the basic principles of epidemiology and its application in medical sciences;
– To reflect on the scientific and bioethical frontiers of medicine;
– Grammar, psychosociology and communication ethics in the doctor-patient relationship;
– To know and comply with ethical principles, legal responsibilities and ensure confidentiality and professional secrecy.

Curricular Unit Coordinator: 
Lúcio José de Lara Santos
Full Professor 

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– Know the survival chain that interconnects the different vital links for successful resuscitation;
– Know how to trigger the Survival Chain and perform its different steps;
– Perform basic life support;
– Perform automatic external defibrillation
– Know the primary approach to a person with severe trauma;
– Know mobilization and immobilization techniques;
– Identify the situations and implement the appropriate first aid techniques aimed at stabilizing a victim of an accident or sudden illness until the arrival of more differentiated means of assistance;
– Know and monitor the different aspects of care provision in the emergency service;
– Know the principles and steps of aseptic technique;
– Perform aseptic technique correctly;
– Develop clinical reasoning and integrate knowledge of topics covered in other curricular units.

Curricular Unit Coordinator:
Maria Gil Ribeiro
Associate Professor

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– To understand cell structure and functioning from structure-function relationships and the network of molecular interactions;
– To know molecular bases of intracellular communication and intercellular signaling;
– To know phases of cell cycle and its effects on the body;
– To recognize the importance of cell differentiation, proliferation and death in the proper functioning of the organism;
– To identify and characterize different types of human body tissues;
– To understand molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying normal function of the body;
– To know the properties of biomolecules and their implications for the functioning of human body;
– To know principles of enzymatic activity and its regulation;
– To know the main pathways of energy metabolism and anabolism;
– To acquire technical laboratory skills in basic sciences;
– To acquire knowledge and skills in an integrated way to recognize, diagnose and guide a physical body harm;
– To demonstrate self-study and translational research skills.

Curricular Unit Coordinator: 
João Moreira Pinto
Associate Professor

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– To know the biofunctional systems of the human body, namely, cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous and sense organs, and endocrine and metabolic systems;
– To understand the embryological, organogenic, growth, maturation and aging processes of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous and sense organs, and endocrine and metabolic systems;
– To learn the morphology and structure of tissues and organs in these systems, using macroscopic and microscopic methods and imaging and virtual and graphic representation techniques;
– To understand the physiology of these biofunctional systems in an integrated way;
– To relate the pathology of these systems with semiology, complementary means of diagnosis and therapeutic options;
– To perform techniques, procedures and assessments relevant to medical training related to these systems;
– To integrate theoretical and practical knowledge of basic sciences with clinical learning methodology;
To demonstrate capacity for ongoing training.

Choose one of the optional units (1st Cycle) in the table below.

2nd YEAR

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– To acquire basic knowledge of pharmacology;
– To know the main groups of drugs used in clinical practice in different pathologies, and their mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, adverse effects, drug interactions and specificities in special populations;
– To know the main challenges in global health and their relationship with socioeconomic and environmental determinants, access to health care and public policy approaches;
– To understand the role of global health actors in responding to historical and emerging global health needs;
– To identify maternal and child health as a challenge in global health and understand the importance of surveillance of pregnant women, children and adolescents in Primary Health Care;
– To recognize appropriate preventive strategies for public health problems;
– To integrate theoretical and practical knowledge of pharmacology and therapeutics, global and preventive medicine, and maternal and child health with clinical learning methodology.

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– Acquisition of basic knowledge in Semiology;
– Collection and organization of clinical history and know its importance in clinical decision;
– Perform semiotic procedures of systems at different stages of life in normal and pathological context;
– Know the main imaging methods (radiography, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance, scintigraphy and PET), technical resources and physical principles;
– Recognize normal sectional anatomy and common anatomical variants in imaging methods;
– Identify the imaging aspect of frequent pathological conditions;
– Integrate image information with clinical and pathological data;
– Apply technical and clinical language in imaging evaluation;
– Know variables associated with the quality standard in the various imaging exams;
– Know radiological protection principles;
– Introduction to obtaining ultrasound windows;
– Know different care scenarios and team members.

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– To recognize the importance of Genetics in Medicine;
– To understand the application of bioinformatics in the knowledge of human genome;
– To know the structure and function of DNA and RNA types;
– To describe mechanisms of heredity, genetic alterations and genetic regulation (classical and epigenetic) and their implications in disease;
– To know methods of studying genes and their application;
– To acquire fundamental knowledge in Microbiology;
– To know groups of antimicrobials and mechanisms of action and resistance;
– To recognize clinical manifestations, pathogenesis, epidemiology and etiology of the main infections affecting different anatomical areas, as well as intervene in their diagnosis, prevention and treatment;
– To understand the mechanisms of disease and integrate them into systems’ pathology;
– To apply pathology to diagnostic medicine;
– To understand morphophysiological changes and pathologies of different phases of life cycle;
– To demonstrate self-study and translational research skills.

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– To know the biofunctional systems of the human body, namely, the digestive, the genitourinary, the musculoskeletal, head, neck and skin, and the hematological and immunological systems;
– To understand embryological, organogenic, growth, maturation and aging processes of these systems;
– To learn the morphology and structure of tissues and organs in these systems, using macroscopic and microscopic methods, and imaging and virtual and graphical representation techniques;
– To understand and apply concepts of biomechanics to the functioning of musculoskeletal system;
– To understand the physiology of these systems in an integrated way;
– To relate pathology of these systems to semiology, complementary means of diagnosis and therapeutic options;
– To perform techniques, procedures and assessments relevant to medical training related to these systems;
– To integrate theoretical and practical knowledge of basic sciences with clinical learning methodology;
– To demonstrate capacity for continuing education.

Choose one of the optional units (1st Cycle) in the table below.

3rd YEAR

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– Know ethical, legal, regulatory and methodological aspects relevant to clinical trial design, planning, conduct, interpretation and reporting;
– Understand the necessary steps in the preparation of a research project, clinical experimental protocol or specific clinical trial;
– Integrate knowledge tools such as epidemiology and statistics in the evidence-based approach to public health problems;
– Design and prepare statistical studies and use appropriate programs and software to obtain results;
– Apply processes specific to scientific and translational research to the development of training and professional activities;
– Identify nutritional and food needs at different stages of the life cycle;
– Know nutritional epidemiology bases;
– Correctly interpret anthropometric indicators;
– Recognize, diagnose and guide the treatment of nutrition pathologies; Medically assess the nutritional status and prescribe an adequate diet.

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– Assess the usefulness and cost-effectiveness of complementary diagnostic tests in a pathology or clinical situation;
– Collection and organization of clinical history and knowing its importance in clinical decision;
– Perform different semiotic procedures, of the organs and systems of the human being, in different stages of the life cycle, in normal and pathological contexts;
– Know the difficulties of performing the clinical history and physical examination in adverse contexts;
– Explain the major frameworks of systemic pathology and organ pathology;
– Acquire fluency in the oral presentation of clinical cases in a synthetic and formal way;
– Recognize, stratify and monitor a critically ill patient;
– Know sedation, anesthesia and analgesia techniques;
– Identify and quantify the degree of pain. Know the bases of pain treatment;
– Know different care scenarios;
– Know the different elements of care teams and their roles.

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– To know the constitution of immune system;
– To understand mechanisms of immune response (physiological and pathological) and its modulation;
– To understand the pathophysiology, risk factors, and role of dyslipidemia, hypertension and diabetes mellitus in the etiology of atherosclerosis;
– To know cardiocerebrovascular complications of atherosclerosis, its prevention, diagnosis and treatment;
– To understand microbial emergency mechanisms, and detection and containment strategies;
– To know the current (re)emerging infectious diseases, their etiology, prevention and treatment;
– To intervene in prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance, promoting patient safety;
– To understand mechanisms of carcinogenesis and tumor progression;
– To recognize oncological diseases and the importance of an individualized and interdisciplinary approach;
– To acquire technical skills in simulation’s laboratory;
– To demonstrate ability to communicate with peers and specialists.

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– To know the biological, psychological and social foundations of personality and conduct;
– To recognize, diagnose and guide the approach to psychiatric disorders; psychotherapy;
– To know the main groups of drugs, dosage, administration routes and pharmacokinetics. Interactions and adverse effects;
– To understand the prescription and pharmacovigilance processes;
– To know the pharmacology of different biofunctional systems;
– To show ability to critically reflect on professional activity;
– To communicate knowledge, methodologies, ideas, problems and solutions in a clear and precise manner to all types of audiences, specialized or not.

Choose one of the optional units (1st Cycle) in the table below.


This curricular unit corresponds to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

This curricular unit aims to teach students with basic knowledge in the environmental area, making the bridge between the main environmental problems, at present, with a direct relationship with public health. The student should understand, in particular, the environmental impacts and effects on human health of the major classes of pollutants (e.g. pharmaceuticals, microplastics and others) and climate change (e.g., water borne vector diseases transmitted by insects and others). Simultaneously, the student should recognize the growing importance of Ecotoxicology in addressing these topics (e.g. biomonitoring, bioassays, biomarkers and others). The student should be able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in this curricular unit during his professional activity, as a health professional, in a perspective of prevention of the disease.

This curricular unit corresponds to the 1st year

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– Understand the nature of human behavior;
– Use psychological theories to explain one health behavior;
– Explain aspects of human development, the life cycle, familial and relationship dynamics and how they affect individual behavior;
– Discuss how individual identity, motivation and personality shape behavior;
– Describe the influence of cognition and emotions on health behavior;
– Demonstrate how illness impacts on psychological adjustment and affects behavior;
– Apply behavioral models to promote the optimal functioning of individuals, families and communities;
– Understand the importance of behavioral analysis and behavioral changes to implement best medical practices;
– Exemplify how biopsychosocial approach can be applied to understanding overall health and health behaviors;
– Develop professional process skill, including therapeutic relationship, effective communication and ethical values, to apply in different health settings.

This curricular unit corresponds to the 1st year

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– Reflect on the importance of interpersonal communication and identify all existing forms of communication beyond speech;
– Mastering basic understanding of sign and graphic communication;
– Identify candidates for AAC programs and justify the appropriateness of their application;
– Adapt the communicative style according to the needs of the user in the provision of health care;
– Realize the need to meet cultural and environmental characteristics to better match the communication process;
– Justify the importance of using support products for communication;
– Recognize the importance of teamwork (within the family) within the CAA, with knowledge of the role of the various stakeholders.

This curricular unit corresponds to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

At the end of the course, the student must be able to:
– Acquire knowledge and practical skills about physical exercise and its impact on health;
– Understand the benefits and risks inherent in physical exercise;
– Recognize the different components of physical exercise;
– Identify the different types of physical exercise for different populations, with and without associated pathologies.

This curricular unit corresponds to the 1st year

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– The student should master the research and production techniques with a view to the proper implementation of the scientific work and structuring skills and develop theoretical and practical nature in order to know and apply discursive structures usable in your training area.
– To provide the students the specific skills to be undertaken under this course, there is a direct correspondence between each programmatic content and the specific skills to develop.

This curricular unit corresponds to the 1st year

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– To know the historical evolution of medicine: from the anthropology of elemental medicine to the medicine of biosensors; from medical semiology of palpation to precision medicine; the doctor-patient relationship: from natural medicine to pharmaceuticals;
– To know the scientific foundations of medicine and the current reality of the future of medicine;
– To know the evolution of health services’ organization and their political, economic and technical management.

This curricular unit corresponds to the 1st year

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– Ability to understand theoretical texts about the ways in which networked technologies transform human processes of knowledge, critically contextualizing digital interfaces, software, and forms of network communication;
– Ability to understand problems in multidisciplinary contexts, integrating knowledge;
– Communication of research results.

This curricular unit corresponds to the 1st year

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– Know the typology of scientific studies: qualitative, quantitative, quasi-experimental, randomized;
– Learn to design a scientific study: purpose of the study, resources and methods, characterization of the sample (population, sex, ages, socio-demography, etc.), statistical analysis and significance, results, discussion and conclusions;
– Analyze scientific articles from critical reading and rehearse a reply;
– Acquire skills to do readings and oral presentations; to argue and to write clearly, concisely, without redundancy, and with conceptual precision;
– Know the principles of ethics in science.

This curricular unit corresponds to the 1st year

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– Comprehend the social and clinical relevance of Pain, in its different variants;
– Systematize basic physiologic concepts;
– Know the peculiarities of acute and chronic pain, valuing specific age and pathology populations;
– Review the pharmacological and non-pharmacological techniques most frequently used in pain treatment.

This curricular unit corresponds to the 1st year

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

The general ressuscitation and management of life threatning situations constitutes a médical responsability, universal to all professionals but with varying degrees of differentiation according to the area of specialization. However, management of life threatning situations is a basic tenent of medical education of the future clinician. Therefore, medical and trauma emergency management, as well as the organization and function of the nacional emergency response system, are an essential part of medical knowledge. Knowing how to integrate this care in a disaster situation is one of the objectives of this course.

This curricular unit corresponds to the 1st year

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– Knowing that “the humanities are the hormones, they catalyze thought and humanize practice” (William Osler), it is proposed: 1. To understand how social, psychological and particularly cultural factors affect health;
– Highlight the role of culture in general and the arts in particular in the formation and performance of physicians;
– To seek the role of the Arts in the humanization of medical practice; 4. Reflect on the human being as a product of what he feels, thinks and produces;
– Verify that the manifestations of personal experience, incisively influence the outcome of medical activity assistance; Recognize the existence of doctors who make art their own therapy.

This curricular unit corresponds to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– Identify and define the basic terminology of cognitive neuroscience;
– Gauge the theoretical backgrounds of cognitive psychology and neuroscience and their relationship and relevance to medicine (and other fields);
– Acquaint with the main imaging and neuropsychological methods in cognitive neuroscience, and develop an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses;
– Understand and explain the biological processes that underlie human cognition, especially in regards to the relation between brain structures, activity and cognitive functions;
– Critically evaluate cognitive neuroscience findings.

This curricular unit corresponds to the 1st year

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

The new therapeutic platforms aim to overcome biological barriers through the use of nanomaterials in order to:
– Human genome editing;
– Stratification of patients based on biomarkers and genetic information;
– Characterization of specific barriers to target tissues;
– Creation of autologous matrix cell therapies;
– Modulation of the immune system and the immune response;
– Actively targeting immune system cells;
– Characterization of pharmacokinetics altered by disease states;
– Intracellular drug administration;
– Modulation of intratumoral administration of chemotherapeutic drugs.

This curricular unit corresponds to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– Describe and apply concepts in the field of nutrition sciences, food and dietetics sciences;
– Identify factors that influence food choices;
– Indicate nutrients, classifications, functions, digestion, absorption, metabolism, food sources and “DRI’s”;
– Describe the food groups and their characteristics;
– Explain the principles and a healthy and balanced diet;
– Analyze information;
– Work as a team;
– Think critically and solve problems.

4th YEAR

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– To acquire / develop knowledge of the surgical lexicon; global aspects of the surgical pathology and its pathophysiology; clinical cases with elective and urgent surgical indication; complementary examinations; principles of surgical treatment and more usual surgical techniques; syndromes and more frequent postoperative complications;
– To interpret the findings of the anamnesis, objective examination and complementary diagnostic tests; to perform basic surgical procedures and techniques, to evaluate / interpret the data obtained to formulate diagnoses and define the treatment;
– To anticipate prognosis and other important aspects for the patient and family, assess surgical risk and have a full knowlege of their assessment tools;
– To perform preoperative protocols for surgical patients and protocols in emergency situations;
– To know the technical resources for the surgical act in the context of a medical unit;
– Develop clinical skills in the scope of Surgery and related medical specialties.

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– To recognize the most common neurological, ophthalmological, musculoskeletal and urological diseases, urgencies and emergencies and know how to guide them, including when and how to refer to a Specialist;
– To acquire and integrate clinical knowledge with knowledge of basic sciences, to be able to prevent, diagnose and treat the most common diseases;
– To develop abilities and skills in clinical examination (clinical history, physical and neurological examination) and in establishing differential diagnoses;
– To have a critical sense about indications for medical, surgical and rehabilitation treatment, and know how to plan treatments;
– To recognize the importance of professional practice integrated in health teams in guiding these diseases;
– To master simple diagnostic techniques supporting the clinic and basic procedures;
– To apply clinical communication skills in the doctor-patient relationship.

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– Use a structured sequence of patient assessment and systematize data;
– Identify the patient with breathing difficulties;
– Identify, assess and heal respiratory dysfunction and failure;
– Identify, assess and treat situations of circulatory dysfunction/failure;
– Know how to perform the neurological examination. Know normal neurological examination. Know and interpret the semiological alterations and their clinical implications;
– Identify the patient with neurological dysfunction. Know the approach, diagnostic and therapeutic guidance;
– Recognize the clinical pictures of different diseases of the nervous system – Identify, assess and treat the patient with hematologic dysfunction/failure. Know the indications for the use of blood components and derivatives and their complications;
– Identify situations of imminent danger (urgent and emerging) and know diagnostic guidance and immediate treatment.

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– Acquire and integrate clinical knowledge (semiology, pathophysiology, propaedeutics and clinic – diagnosis, severity, prognosis) with basic knowledge (anatomy, physiology, pathological anatomy, biology, immunology, genetics, others) to be able to prevent, diagnose and treat the most common diseases of the apparatus and/or systems;
– Develop skills and abilities in clinical examination (clinical history and physical examination) and in the establishment of differential diagnoses, with emphasis on signs and symptoms and clinical approaches to the most frequent pathologies and major clinical syndromes;
– Recognise the therapeutic possibilities and to know how to plan treatments;
– Develop clinical reasoning and the concept of multidisciplinary approach;
– Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about diagnostic techniques supporting clinical practice; and
Apply clinical communication skills for an optimized physician-patient relationship.

Choose one of the optional units (2nd Cycle) in the table below.

5th YEAR

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

To complement the development of clinical skills in the field of Surgery and related medical specialties by expanding to the areas of surgical oncology not previously addressed. In the scope of Vascular Surgery are learning objectives the epidemiological concepts, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic, obstructive and aneurysmal arterial diseases and of veno-lymphatic diseases in their acute and chronic aspects. In the scope of Plastic Surgery are learning objectives the reconstructive surgery of the head, neck, breast and limbs, the clinical aspects of breast aesthetics and body remodeling and the pathophysiology of the burned patient. In the scope of minimally invasive surgery, students become aware of the technological advances registered in general surgery that make surgical procedures more precise, less invasive for the patient and with a smoother postoperative period.

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– To recognize the most common gynecological, obstetric, pediatric and otorhinolaryngological diseases, urgencies and emergencies and know how to guide them, including when and how to refer to a Specialist;
– To acquire and integrate clinical knowledge with knowledge of basic sciences, to be able to prevent, diagnose and treat the most common diseases;
– To develop abilities and skills in clinical examination (clinical history, physical and neurological examination) and in establishing differential diagnoses;
– To have a critical sense about indications for medical and surgical treatment, and know how to plan treatments;
– To recognize the importance of professional practice integrated in health teams in guiding these diseases;
– To master simple diagnostic techniques supporting the clinic and basic procedures;
– To apply clinical communication skills in doctor-patient relationship;
– To understand the relevance of disease prevention;
– To acquire skills for the practice of Clinical Preventive Medicine.

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– Use a structured sequence of patient assessment and systematize data;
– Perform systematic analysis of blood gases. Identify respiratory failure, acid-base and electrolyte imbalances. Know the causes and therapeutic approach;
– Identify hypoglycemic and hyperosmolar syndromes. Know the causes, diagnostic and therapeutic approach;
– Identify suspected intoxication. Identify different causative agents. Identify and address withdrawal syndromes. Know clinical manifestations, differential diagnosis and treatment;
– Identify the main dysrhythmias. Know approach and severity criteria;
– Identify the level of consciousness and coma. Know the causes of coma and the approach to the coma patient;
– Identify situations of kidney failure and know the main causes. Knowing acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease;
– Identify situations of imminent danger (urgent and emerging) and know diagnostic guidance and immediate treatment.

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– Acquire and integrate clinical knowledge (semiology, pathophysiology, propaedeutics and clinic – diagnosis, severity, prognosis) with basic knowledge (anatomy, physiology, pathological anatomy, biology, immunology, genetics, others) to be able to prevent, diagnose and treat the most common diseases of the apparatus and/or systems;
– Develop skills and abilities in clinical examination (clinical history and physical examination) and in the establishment of differential diagnoses, with emphasis on signs and symptoms and clinical approaches to the most frequent pathologies and major clinical syndromes;
– Recognise the therapeutic possibilities and to know how to plan treatments;
– Develop clinical reasoning and the concept of multidisciplinary approach;
– Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about diagnostic techniques supporting clinical practice;
– Apply clinical communication skills for an optimized physician-patient relationship.

Choose one of the optional units (2nd Cycle) in the table below.

6th YEAR

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

The general objective of this curricular unit aims to allow the student to reflect on the scientific research work that must be presented to a jury, in order to complete the study plan and obtain a Master’s degree in Medicine. This work can take the form of a scientific article publishable in a scientific journal or open source, in any case with peer review and impact on Scopus and Web of Science. Or it could be in the form of a master’s dissertation. In one format or another, the work, in addition to the originality of the research, that is, the innovative research question and the adequate search for answers, must adopt a scientific language that is understood by specialists in the chosen topic, but also by a non-specialized but culturally interested. The master’s conclusion work must be presented in an original version in Portuguese, accompanied by a translation in English or vice versa.

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– To recognize the most common oncological and dermatological diseases, urgencies and emergencies and know how to guide them, including when and how to refer them to a Specialist;
– To acquire and integrate clinical knowledge with knowledge of basic sciences, to be able to prevent, diagnose and treat the most common diseases;
– To develop abilities and skills in clinical examination (clinical history, physical and neurological examination) and in establishing differential diagnoses;
– To have a critical sense about indications for medical and surgical treatment and know how to plan treatments;
– To recognize the importance of professional practice integrated in health teams in guiding these diseases;
– To master simple diagnostic techniques supporting the clinic and basic procedures;
– To apply clinical communication skills in the doctor-patient relationship.

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– The ILSC intends to train health professionals as members of resuscitation teams;
– The CBEcoDC will prepare the students for basic ultrasound evaluation of a patient;
– The Trauma course aims to empower students to perform roles as trauma teams members and to have communication and teamwork skills;
– The SSIC will endow students with knowledges regarding Sepsis, what it is, how to recognize and stratify gravity and how to treat; types of infections; correct use of antimicrobials;
– The NIVC will structure knowledge on approach to the patient with acute respiratory failure; know the basic principles of ventilation; know in a practice use perspective several available devices and interfaces;
– In the seminars, knowledge and acquired competences will be reinforced.

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– Identify and guide patients with surgical indication (including outpatient) and emergency situations;
– Perform minor surgery techniques and surgical dressings;
– Know the specifics of the cancer surgical patient;
– Apply the clinical method in different age groups;
– Recognize and diagnose pathologies in the pediatric and adolescent area;
– Recognize the normal pattern of the stages of a woman’s reproductive life and pregnancy;
– Recognize and diagnose pathologies in the gynecological and obstetric areas;
– Know the principles of public and community health, namely, in prevention, screening, early diagnosis, health promotion and well-being;
– Apply knowledge and communication skills;
– Promote intervention and referral skills in the area of mental health;
– Perform basic clinical (diagnostic and therapeutic) procedures/techniques;
– Communicate and relate to patients and family members, interact with other professionals.


This curricular unit corresponds to the formative offer of the 4th and 5th years

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– The curricular unit will have two main objectives: a) to provide students with an overview of the physiological bases of sleep that allow them to assess the underlying physiological mechanisms that they will contact in their future academic training and clinical life; b) to provide students with an introduction to scientific research methodologies enabling them to continue research in this area in further postgraduate training programs.
– The skills to be developed will be: a) to understand the importance of sleep as an integral part of health promotion and disease prevention; b) to identify the states, phases and organization of sleep and its functions; c) to recognize the different needs of sleep and sleep disorders as a function of the life cycle phase and in interaction with the systems of the human body; d) to develop competences in the autonomous and interdependent intervention of the professional practice in Medicine, applying basic concepts in the Physiology of Sleep.

This curricular unit corresponds to the formative offer of the 4th and 5th years

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

Acquisition of knowledge and practical skills on planning methodologies and clinical performance in the most frequent tropical diseases and in situations of traveler’s medicine.

This curricular unit corresponds to the formative offer of the 4th and 5th years

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– Know the main mechanisms of infection;
– Know the main methods and practices of infection prevention;
– Know the main mechanisms of antibiotics resistance.

This curricular unit corresponds to the formative offer of the 4th and 5th years

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– Characterize Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML);
– Identify AI / ML applications in Healthcare;
– Describe software as medical device;
– Identify challenges and opportunities for software as medical device;
– Identify regulatory issues and their implications mechanisms of infection.

This curricular unit corresponds to the formative offer of the 4th and 5th years

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

Students must learn theoretical and pratical competences in oncologye. Students must learn about diagnostic, staging, following, therapeutics, intervention and clinical communication in the oncological context.

This curricular unit corresponds to the formative offer of the 4th and 5th years

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

– Knowledge in the field of Sports Medicine and Exercise;
– Main areas related to Sports Medicine;
– Assessment and sports medical evaluation and examination;
– The prescription of physical, leisure or therapeutic exercise;
– Practice of Sports Medicine in its main aspects;
– Main injuries related to the practice of sport and physical exercise;
– Preparation and counseling of sports injury prevention programs;
– Nutrition and Suplemntation Counseling in Sport;
– Students should acquire experience and competence in the evaluation and orientation of a sports athlete, in the competition or leisure area, and also a team in its diferent levels of organization and competition.

This curricular unit corresponds to the formative offer of the 4th and 5th years

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

Narrative Medicine curricular unit aims primarily at providing advanced training on the importance of narratives and communication, their role, as well as their limits, in the clinical encounter, by means of an interdisciplinary approach and with a view to therapeutic practices that are ethically aware. One of its primary objectives is the acquisition of information concerning the novel concept of Narrative Medicine (NM) and its methods (Charon 2006; Hurwitz 2011). It also aims at developing in students communication strategies and self-awareness as facilitating tools for their practice.

This curricular unit corresponds to the formative offer of the 4th and 5th years

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

This curricular unit has as main objectives to provide students with the most modern concepts and current trends in health leadership and management, demonstrating their practical importance and indispensability so that they can respond to the overwhelmingly changing demands of the sector. The improvement of health care requires the development of educational structures familiar with the complex world of health where, as we know, innovation does not cease to manifest itself. In parallel with the knowledge (scientific, organizational and experience, explicit and interactive, sequential and interactive), students should have correct ideas about the different types of skills and attitudes, indispensable bases for acquiring skills. It is also important to understand the meaning of being competent so that competence-based education will be given the necessary relief so that students can move about in the future with ease.

This curricular unit corresponds to the formative offer of the 4th and 5th years

Objectives of the Curricular Unit and Skills to be Developed:

Through this unit it is intended that the students assimilate the essential concepts of the political and legal areas of Health. In such a wide area that extends from the rights of the patient to the regulation of the drug, the legal relationship between patient and provider of the health service can not at any time be neglected. The student, with this curricular unit, should acquire competences to be sensitive to the various problems that the health approach, in its context and individual (patient) and collective (society) framework, can elicit.

Study Cycle Coordination


Coordinator CU: Gestures and Clinical Practice I
Coordinator of Integrated Master in Medicine
Category: Full Professor


Coordinator of CU: Fundamentals of Medical Sciences I
Assistant coordinator of the Integrated Master in Medicine
Category: Associate Professor

Apply & Tuition Fees

Application Conditions Academic Year 2023/24
Before proceeding with your application, please read, carefully, the Regulations of the Integrated Master’s Degree in Medicine (PDF)


10 Places

National applicants 

– Have completed, or be a final year student of a secondary education course in Portugal;
– Have passed the entrance examinations of Biology and Geology (02) / Physics and Chemistry (07) / Mathematics A (19), with a minimum average score of 140 points ( 0 to 200);
– Minimum score of the application to be referred to the seriation 150/200: 50% of the classification of secondary education + 50% arithmetic average of the classifications in the entrance examinations.

Note: The national final exams, being held on or after 2022, are valid as entrance examinations in the year they are taken and in the four subsequent years, in accordance with Deliberation No. 1043/2021 of the National Commission for Access to Higher Education, published in DR Nº 199 – 2ª série, de 13 de outubro
SELECTION PREREQUISITE: group A – Interpersonal communication (PDF)

English (Level C1) • june 30th, july 14th and july 19th
9.30 am (presence 30 minutes before the exam)

Portuguese (Level A2) • june 29th, july 13th
3.30 pm (presence 30 minutes before the exam)
and july 20th 
11.00 am (presence 30 minutes before the exam)

1. Identification document;
2. Qualifications certificate;
3. High School National Examination Score Card (ENES) of the calendar year in which the application is submitted;
4. Proof of English Language Proficiency

(a) Documentary evidence that English is the applicant´s native or main language of communication or that the applicant has received their schooling in English;
(b) Certificates of approval in Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) or Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE), the latter with a qualification equal to or higher than Very Good (160 points);
(c) International English Language Testing System (IELTS – Academic) certificate, with a minimum score of 7;
(d) Certificate of the Test of English as a Foreign Language, Internet -Based Test (TOELF iBT), with a minimum score of 85.

5. Declaration of Commitement PDF

Note: If the candidate is attending secondary school, they should present the grades obtained to date submitting, in due course, the final official documents.
In additional to the documentation, the MIM application implies the payment of the application fee (non-refundable).

Exclusively Online, in inforestudante, on the dates as indicated in the admission calendar.
You should read all the information very carefully before submitting your application.


Applications (online only): 19 june to 21 july 2023
Result announcement: 24 july 2023
Enrolment (online only): 26 to 31 de july 2023
Submission of documents (if applicable): before 8 september 2023
Start of the academic year: 11 september 2023


(remaining places)

Applications (online only): 1 june to 28 august 2023
Result announcement: 29 august 2023
Enrolment (online only): 30 august to 6 september 2023
Submission of documents (if applicable): before 8 September 2023
Start of the academic year: 11 September 2023

Note: The places communicated and not filled in the institutional application processes (1st and 2nd stages) will be transferred to the special application process, to be held in September 2023, according to a calendar to be announced in due course.

Apply: 500,00€
Registration *: 1.000,00€
Single installment (Anuidade paga no ato da matrícula): 15.675,00€
Payment in 11 installments (1st instalment paid at the time of enrolment. The remaining 10 instalments, paid by the 10th of the following months – September to June): (11 x 1,500.00 euros) = 16,500.00 euros

Note: There is no refund of any payment.
* includes student insurance, free access to the Internet and to UFP’s Intranet system.


30 places
Non-national applicants

– Have completed, or be a finalist in, a secondary education course equivalent to the Portuguese secondary school qualification;
– Have taken the required entrances exams – Portuguese national admission exams or those considered equivalent to the Portuguese national exams – with a minimum average score of 140 (0 of 200), when translated to the Portuguese National grading system;
– Minimum score of the application to be referred to the seriation is 150/200: 50% of the classification of secondary education + 50% arithmetic average of the classifications in the entrance exams.

Notes: (1) The exams required for admission are considered equivalent to the corresponding Portuguese national exams, under the terms of Deliberation no. 606/2022 of the National Commission for Access to Higher Education (PDF). (2) The national examinations or equivalent examinations of foreign secondary education completed on or after 2022 are valid for the presentation of the application in the year of its accomplishment and in the four subsequent years, according to the terms of DR Nº 199 – 2ª série, de 13 de outubro

Selection prerequisite: Group A ( Interpersonal communication) (PDF) filled by a Doctor registered in the Portuguese Medical Association – medical declaration in the form of a reply to a questionnaire, in accordance with Deliberation no. 338/2023 of the National Commission for Access to Higher Education (Attach III) (PDF) published in DR Nª 60, de 24 de março.

English (Level C1) • june 30th, july 14th and july 19th
9.30 am (presence 30 minutes before the exam)

Portuguese (Level A2) • june 29th, july 13th
3.30 pm (presence 30 minutes before the exam)
and july 20th
11.00 am (presence 30 minutes before the exam)


1. European Union country identification document;
2. Diploma of EU secondary education, with indication of the final classification, with the grading scale and the minimum mark for approval.
3. Declaration of equivalence issued by a Portuguese Secondary School or the Directorate-General of Education (Decree-Law 227/2005, of December 28 [link]
4. Proof of the grades of the entrance exams required, considered equivalent to the corresponding Portuguese national exams, issued in year of the application;
5. Proof of English Language Proficiency:

(a) Documentary evidence that English is the applicant´s native or main language of communication or that the applicant has received their schooling in English;
(b) Certificates of approval in Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) or Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE), the latter with a qualification equal to or higher than Very Good (160 points);
(c) International English Language Testing System (IELTS – Academic) certificate, with a minimum score of 7;
(d) Certificate of the Test of English as a Foreign Language, Internet -Based Test (TOELF iBT), with a minimum score of 85.

6. Declaration of Commitement PDF

Note: If the candidate is attending secondary school, they should present the grades obtained to date submitting, in due course, the final official documents. In additional to the documentation, the MIM application implies the payment of the application fee (non-refundable).

Exclusively Online, in inforestudante, on the dates as indicated in the admission calendar.
You should read all the information very carefully before submitting your application.


Applications (online only): 19 june to 21 july 2023
Result announcement: 24 july 2023
Enrolment (online only): 26 to 31 de july 2023
Submission of documents (if applicable): before 8 september 2023
Start of the academic year: 11 september 2023


(remaining places)

Applications (online only): 1 june to 28 august 2023
Result announcement: 29 august 2023
Enrolment (online only): 30 august to 6 september 2023
Submission of documents (if applicable): before 8 September 2023
Start of the academic year: 11 September 2023

Note: The places communicated and not filled in the institutional application processes (1st and 2nd stages) will be transferred to the special application process, to be held in September 2023, according to a calendar to be announced in due course.


Apply: 1.000,00€
Registration *: 2.000,00€
Single installment (Anuidade paga no ato da matrícula): 20.500,00€
Payment in 11 installments (1st instalment paid at the time of enrolment. The remaining 10 instalments, paid by the 10th of the following months – September to June): (1 x  1,500.00€ ) + (10 x 1,900.00 €) = 20,500.00€

Note: There is no refund of any payment.
* includes student insurance, free access to the Internet and to UFP’s Intranet system.


During the application process, you can count on the support and advice of a team of UFP professionals. Leave your question here and we'll get back to you.


Av. Fernando Pessoa, 150
4420-096 Gondomar
T. +351 22 507 1300
(call to national fixed network)