School of Medicine
and Biomedical Sciences

Foundation Fernando Pessoa

Fernando Pessoa Libraries aim to provide access to information resources necessary for the performance of teaching, research and learning functions, as well as to conserve and preserve their collections.

The search for excellence, improvement in service, updating the collection, supporting our users and increasing the visibility of our academic and scientific production are the main objectives of this service.

Online Library

The University Fernando Pessoa allows all users to access a set of scientific information sources, available through electronic resources subscription.

The use of the resources listed below is possible from a computer connected to the UFP network or, off campus, using VPN.

B-On* • Academic Search Complete* • Business Source Complete* • Cinahl Plus with Full Text* • Coimbra University Press* • Current Contents (ISI)* • IEEE (ISI)*• Elsevier* • MedicLatina* • Medline with full text* • Nursing Reference Center* • Psychology & Behavioral Science* • SportDiscus* • Springer* • Taylor & Francis* • Wiley* • Web of Science* • Journal Citation Reports* • Essencial Science Indicators* • Infopedia**

* Requires VPN (outside UFP)
** Access credentials provided by UFP’s Library
at the user’s request (element of the UFP Community).

Consult the UFP libraries site

Library Fernando Pessoa

It’s organised according to the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC). The library has a reading room with 68 seats, an upper floor with 10 seats, a technical office, two offices for group work (with capacity for 15 seats) with Internet access, which are exclusively for UFP students and associated collaborators in groups, so as not to disturb the silent environment that should exist in the reading room.

It’s equipped with lockers, self-service printing, copying and scanning equipment and wireless network coverage.

Praça 9 de Abril, 349
4249-004 Porto • Portugal
Phone: +351 22 507 1301

Library Ricardo Reis

Located inside the Pedagogical Clinics Building, the Ricardo Reis Library (BRR) is a free-access library, organised according to the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC). It is intended for the UFP community, or any interested reader.

The documentary collection of the BRR, consisting of books, periodicals, academic works, audiovisual materials (distributed among the various areas of knowledge) and reference works, covers the areas of scientific research, ethics, natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, genetics, biophysics, virology, microbiology, botany), medical sciences (anatomy, physiology, health and hygiene, public health, pharmacology, physiotherapy, pathology, clinical medicine, nursing, speech therapy, dentistry, surgery) and the history of medicine.

The library has a reading room, with capacity for 54 places, eight offices for group work (with capacity for 70 places), with Internet access, which are exclusively for UFP students and employees associated in groups, with the purpose of not disturbing the atmosphere of silence that should exist in the reading room.

It’s equipped with lockers, self-service printing, copying and scanning equipment and wireless network coverage.

Praça 9 de Abril, 349
4249-004 Porto • Portugal
Phone: +351 22 507 1300

Library Ricardo Reis

Located in the Ponte de Lima Unit this library have documentary collection of the BAC, composed of books, periodicals, academic works, audiovisual material and reference works, covers areas of science and knowledge, organization, information, documentation, philosophy, psychology, religion, social sciences, statistics, politics, economics, commerce, law, public administration, social assistance, education, mathematics, natural sciences, applied sciences, medicine, technology, art, recreation, entertainment, sports, language, linguistics, literature, geography, biography and history.

Casa da Garrida
Rua Conde de Bertiandos
4990-078 Ponte de Lima• Portugal
Phone: +351 258 741 026

Institutional Repository (IR)

The Institutional Repository (IR) of the University Fernando Pessoa aims to promote Open Access to the scientific production of its academic community, fostering the integration, sharing and visibility of the research carried out, ensuring the preservation of its intellectual memory, with the safeguarding of copyright.

The deposit of documents to UFP’s IR is done through the options of self-archiving and archiving. In the first option, the authors (teachers/researchers) are responsible for depositing their intellectual production. In the second option, the documents are deposited by the Library (as is the case of academic works and UFP’s publications).

Consulting UFP’s Institutional Repository