School of Medicine
and Biomedical Sciences

Sports & Academy
University Fernando Pessoa

At UFP, we give great importance to physical activity and sports, whose contribution we know is fundamental to health and well-being. In this sense, we have a Health and Leisure Academy and we encourage university sports promoted by the Student Association.

Academic and cultural activities also play a fundamental role, creating value and promoting bonds that last after the end of the university course. The Student Association, the Student Nucleus and the Tunas are examples of this, proving the dynamics of the university.

Health and Leisure Academy

The Health and Leisure Academy is a place dedicated to the practice of physical exercise, aimed at members and family members of the academic community (Students and Collaborators), Former Students of the University, users of UFP’s pedagogical clinics and other interested parties.

It offers a modern and elegant structure that includes a gym equipped with the weight-training machines and accessories and an indoor pool.

UFP Pedagogical Clinics Building
Rua Delfim Maia, nº 334
4200-150 Porto • Portugal
Phone: 22 509 6371 

University Sport

University sport has a special importance within the activities of the Fernando Pessoa Academic Association.

Teams and students practicing different sports have been winning trophies in the National University Sports Championships. A history of achievements includes prizes in sports such as Futsal, Athletics and Volleyball.

To find out the available modalities, interested parties should contact the Associação Académica da Fernando Pessoa directly.

Students Association

The Academic Association of Fernando Pessoa (AAFP) aims to defend the rights of students, provide services and organise academic activities to improve their experience in the institution.

The Students’ Nucleo are made up of students from each of the courses, the groups represent Fernando Pessoa in national student associations in their area of study and promote activities of particular interest within the course.

Rua Delfim Maia, 334
4200-253  Porto • Portugal
For more informations,
please consulte the

Male Student's Music Group

Tuna Académica da Fernando Pessoa is a musical group made up of students (male). It was founded on the 12th of October 1994 and since then, it has counted on several faithful bohemians, musicians and with an enviable academic spirit.

With strong objectives, always together with the Portuguese traditional and/or popular music, this group (Tuna) has managed to overcome some of the dreams of yesteryear, awakening several attentions thanks to its joviality, joy, companionship… and many other adjectives that are a permanent way of being and being of this group.

Praça 9 de Abril, 349
4249-004 Porto • Portugal
Phone: +351 22 507 1300

Female Student's Music Group

This musical female group (Tuna feminina da Pessoa) was born on November 30, 2016. It was born from the dream and the will to (re)create the Female Tuna at Fernando Pessoa University. A group of brave friends, with academic and bohemian spirit, decided to found this tuna overcoming all obstacles.

With the Tuna Académica da Universidade Fernando Pessoa as godparents, the Tuna Feminina da Pessoa has the charm and romanticism “to envy many”!

Praça 9 de Abril, 349
4249-004 Porto • Portugal
Phone: +351 22 507 1300