UFP • Health Services
The UFP and the Health School (ESS-FP) combine, in the pedagogical clinics, a dual aspect of the activity. On the one hand, health promotion and care provision and, on the other hand, the academic and curricular perspective, which allows students from the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences (Psychology) and the School of Health to engage in supervised clinical practice with patients under an informed consent system.
Also in the area of health services, the Hospital of Fernando Pessoa University assumes itself as a provider of general and specialized health care, ensured by professionals of excellence.
Pedagogical Clinics

The Physiotherapy Teaching Clinic (CPF) occupies an extensive area consisting of physiotherapy and electrotherapy gyms, with direct access to both the indoor swimming pool and the therapeutic pool, and also a gym with the latest models of weight-training machines and accessories of the utmost importance for the final phase of physical rehabilitation. The teaching clinic is renewed every year as an innovative project and one of the few at a European level that combines theoretical, theoretical-practical, and practical teaching in a clinical environment, with users of the most varied ages and clinical valences.
The students, from the 2nd year of the course, have here an opportunity to integrate a multidisciplinary team, to learn and practice theoretical, theoretical-practical and practical concepts, to develop professional skills, to learn and practice ethical principles and also to develop human and personal skills, shaping a specific character of those who wish and choose to work as health agents.
Coordination da CPF
Adérito Seixas
Nuno Ventura
The Pedagogical Dentistry Clinics of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Fernando Pessoa University (CPMD FCS-UFP) provide clinical care to patients in some areas of dentistry, which are part of the curriculum plan of the respective Integrated Master’s Degree.
The main objective of the activity of these clinics is teaching/learning/professional training. However, this activity creates a close link between the University and the Community, since support in the area of prevention, treatment, and oral rehabilitation is simultaneously provided to the community.
Clinic Director
Sandra Gavinha
The University Fernando Pessoa, investing in an innovative training project in the field of Psychology, offers a support structure for practical training activities and applied research – the Clinical Psychology Pedagogical (CPP-UFP).
The Pedagogical Clinic of Speach Terapy (ClíPTF) is a pioneering and innovative project in the country that enables undergraduate and post-graduate students to integrate theoretical and theoretical-practical knowledge, systematised in a real work context, in different areas of activity of the Speech Therapist, supervised by the respective university teachers.
Nutrition Advice
The University Fernando Pessoa offers, under the scope of the Nutrition Sciences course, Food Advice Sessions. The initiative aims to promote health and well-being among the whole community by adopting habits and healthy food choices:
- Food guidance and advice
- Weight control
- Nutritional therapy for different pathologies
- Body composition assessment
Praça 9 de Abril, 349
4249-004 Porto • Portugal
Phone: +351 225 071 300
Psychology Office
The years spent at university are exciting, but sometimes also very stressful. Many students face problems that are not easily solvable or, for some reason, their usual way of solving them does not work well. They may have found that, for example, talking to friends or relatives about their worries is impossible or unsatisfactory.
Some of the most usual student concerns include confusing and disturbing feelings, low self-confidence, relationships with others, self-realisation behaviours, academic problems and decision-making dilemmas. The Psychology Office can address these concerns through counselling. Personalised counselling is a chance to talk about what’s on your mind and concerns you with someone who, in an objective way, can help you learn ways of looking at situations so that you become better able to solve new problems on your own in the future.
Here are some reasons why students may need to use the Psychology Office:
- The Psychology Office is a place where you can benefit from the help of an experienced professional;
- The psychologist offers objective and non-judgemental help;
- The psychologist tries to make you feel comfortable talking about your problems – he/she understands you and helps you with your initial anxiety;
- Counselling in the Psychology Office involves the normal concerns and problems of any student.
- The initiation of counselling and its continuation is voluntary and any act of counselling is strictly confidential (no information is passed on to anyone without the written consent of the person concerned).
- The Psychology Office provides free counselling and support services to UFP students and staff.
Praça 9 de Abril, 349
4249-004 Porto • Portugal
Headquarters Building – 3rd Floor
Phone: +351 225 071 300
Email: imartins@ufp.edu.pt
Our Hospital (HE) is based on an innovative concept, as a multifunctional unit of primary, secondary and tertiary care, in a pedagogical logic, of permanent training and qualification of health professionals and of humanization in the therapeutic relationship.
The HE impresses for its modernity, luminosity, functionality and quality of its facilities and clinical, teaching and research equipment.
Visit our website